Paladins Romania Tournament

Par Coapsi
Online, Online tournament

• Max. pauses (per game & team): 1. Max time pause: 3 minutes.
• No racism, sexual harassment, cursing/swearing, trolling or spamming.
• Using cheats or in-game glitches are not allowed.
• The default no-show time is 15 minutes. If a contestant is not ready to play, 15 minutes after the scheduled match time then they will be disqualified from the tournament.
• Third person is not allowed.
• Each player may use only his own account.
• Each player must be thirteen 13 years of age or older.
• Each team must have 5 players present throughout the entire tournament.
• Teams must hold an appropriate name. Any team attempting to sign up for the tournament with a name deemed unsuitable will be asked to create a new team name in order to participate.
• Teams may not change their team's name without bringing it to an Admin's attention.


• Pauze maxime (per joc & echipa): 1. Timpul maxim al pauzei: 3 minute.
• Fara rasism, hartuire sexuala, injuraturi, troll si spam.
• Folosirea codurilor sau erorilor din joc nu este permisa.
• Timpul implicit de absentare este de 15 minute. Daca o echipa nu este gata sa joace in maximum 15 minute de la timpul programat, aceasta va fi descalificata.
• Modul third person nu este acceptat.
• Fiecare jucator isi poate folosi numai contul propriu.
• Fiecare jucator trebuie sa aiba varsta minima de 13 ani.
• Fiecare echipa trebuie sa aiba 5 jucatori prezenti pe durata intregului turneu.
• Echipele trebuie sa detina un nume corespunzator. Orice echipa care incearca sa se inscrie
in turneu cu un nume necorespunzator va fi rugata sa isi creeze un nou nume de echipa pentru a putea participa.
• Echipele nu isi pot schimba numele fara a anunta un administrator.