Darwin Project MIGS Tournament

Darwin Project MIGS Tournament

Par Scavengers Studio
Online, Montreal
10 participants will play 3 Matches in a row and will earn points based Kills & Rank at the end of each Match. At the end of 3 Matches, the player with the highest points total will be the winner !

Points Attribution
Each Kill = 1
Rank 1 = 12
Rank 2 = 9
Rank 3 = 6
Rank 4 = 4
Rank 5 = 2
Rank 6 = 2
Rank 7 = 1
Rank 8 = 1
Rank 9 = 0
Rank 10 = 0

Tie Breaker
In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by comparing the following statistics (in this order), until there is no longer a tie:
1- Average Rank
2- Total Number of Kills
3- Rank in the Final Match