Ballajura Community College AITT eSports Championship 2017 (CSGO)

Par AITT eSports
The Growth Box, 5 Carson Road Malaga
The competition will be run in accordance to many CS GO pro tournaments with similar rule sets. For more information on rules, maps and tournament structure refer to the briefing pack. A briefing pack is emailed to registered participants.

The competition will be run in accordance to many online tournaments with similar rule sets.
Servers will be setup with Warmod, which gives teams time to get ready.

The game winning conditions is first to have a score of 16. Teams with the highest score at the end wins. In the event of a tie, the game will be reset and overtime will commence.

Monitoring of scores and gameplay are held by your game admins, and cheating/bullying/excessive swearing will not be tolerated and may result in team disqualification.