Lenovo Legion - Budapest II.

Lenovo Legion OverWatch Second Open Qualifier - Budapest

Par The War Room
Online, Budapest
Lenovo Legion Online Rules - OverWatch

The complete rule set (offline and online) can be found under the following link:

1. General information

These rules are an extension of the basic ruleset of the Lenovo Legion cup and were created to provide further specifications for the 2017 series in the competition in Overwatch.
The War Room reserves all rights to this ruleset and as such they can’t be used for other competitions without written consent of the organization

2. Online qualifier on Toornament.com

The organisers (Lenovo and The War Room) reserve all rights to change or remove these points without any previous notice.
In case the ruleset doesn’t contain specifications about a certain case, the organizers reserve the right to make a decision in said cases.
Depending on the circumstances the organisers can overrule or disregard these rules in spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.

The War Room appreciates the opportunity to organize events to the community and aims to provide the best environment to the participants.
We would like to thank Blizzard and their employees for providing and maintaining the environment providing the basis for competitions.

3. Participants

Participants of the Lenovo Legion Cup can’t be under the age of 14.

4. Competition details

Teams participating in the Toornament qualifiers consist of a minimum of 6 players.
The same roster has to participate in both the online and offline stages of the tournament.
In certain cases the organizers can make an exception, however the teams have to contact them in advance and have to have a good reason to change.
The competition is played in “Europe” Region.
A match ends when a team wins the required number of maps against its opponent.

5. Disregarding rules

If a team is refusing to cooperate, provide information or breaking the rules in any way, it can be removed from competition.
Disregarding the admins, cheating and breaking rules constantly can lead to ban from future events as well.
By registering, the teams accept both the online and offline rulest of the Lenovo Legion Cup.
If a team breaks the rules, contact the admins right away with valid proof of the events that occurred.

Besides the ruleset of the Lenovo Legion Cup, the same applies to cases when participants break the ToS of Overwatch created by Blizzard.

Contacting after matches have been played will in most cases not influence the outcome of the match in case of roster issues. Make sure to check the basic information about your opponents before the match starts.

Altering evidence will result in strict punishment.

6. Behaviour

All players accept to stick to the basic norms of behaviour and treats every participant within the tournament with respect. This includes other players, spectators, the media and the organizers as well.

The organizers intend to build the best environment for the competition, so it is not allowed to be racist, sexist, obscene and destructive inside and outside of the game withing the competition.

Harassing or distracting your opponent through ingame chat is forbidden as well.

7. Problems and Solutions

Issues that can’t be solved in between teams should be forwarded to the tournament organizers or their representatives.

8. Game Client

Using any kind of bug and exploit within Overwatch that gives a team advantage leads to immediate exclusion from competition and/or ban from future events.
The online Qualifier of the Lenovo Legion Cup uses the Toornament platform.

In game settings

Below you can find the expected settings within Overwatch.
Custom Game settings:
The matches have to be played in Custom Game mode, you can find the lobby specifications on this link:

9. Lobby

Lobbies will be set up by admins or if they are not available for a given match, by the teams. In case a team sets up the lobby, the detailed settings in point 8. should be followed.
The team creating the lobby should provide the lobby information to their opponents (lobby name and password) through the match page of Toornament.

Both teams are responsible for checking if the lobby is set up correctly.
If an admin is not present before the match starts, the teams are responsible for checking the rosters of their opponents before the match starts.
Roster related issues and their punishments will not change the outcome of a match if it has been already played. The map selection process has to be based on the rules even if the players create the lobby. For this the participants should use OWDraft at www.owdraft.com.

Teams can only switch players in between matches and can only use players from the roster they signed up for the competition.
After the match the teams should report the endgame score on the match page on Toornament.

10. Screenshots

Both participating teams have to make screenshots of the end result.
Neglecting this can lead to warning or other punishment.
Tampering with the screenshots leads to elusion of the competition and ban from further events.
In special cases voice and video recordings can be accepted as evidence.

11.Presence and Punctuality

Teams obliged to keep the starting times on Toornament if they are given.
When a given match ends, the teams have at most 15 minutes to be present with their full roster in their next lobby.
A team can be at most 15 minutes late. If nobody from a given team shows up during that period, the match will be closed in their opponent’s favor.
In case there are players present from a given team but not a dull roster, they get an additional 5 minutes to complete their roster before losing the game.
In both cases the team waiting for their opponent has to prepare screenshots that include their full participating roster and the current time.
In case a team can’t make it with a full 6-man roster but wishes to play, the match can be played as 5v6 based on agreements.

12. Disconnect and pause

Pausing the match is only allowed in exceptional cases (like disconnects).
The owner of the lobby has to pause the game. Refusing to do so is not allowed and will be punished by the organizers.
A tem has at most 10 minutes of pause time during a game, unless the administration allow additional time. When the 10 minutes expire the teams have to resume the match.
In case of similar issues, the teams will have to create screenshots if there is no admin present.
If the matches become unplayable due to Blizzard server stability issues, the organizers can postpone the qualifiers or can choose to close the ongoing matches based on current scores.

13. Spectators

Spectators are only allowed in the lobbies if both teams are in agreement on them except for assigned casters, tournament organizers and people allowed by them.

14. Media

The casting rights of the Lenovo Legion Cup is reserved by The War Room. This includes shoutcasts, video recordings, replays, sound recordings or broadcasts. To publicise any media related materials involving the competition, a written permisson by Lenovo or The War Room is necessary.