PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch
Online, ONLINE
Game Rules

You and your opponent will join the same game as a Duo team and compete to score the most kills.
The player with the most kills at the end of the game wins.

Kills While Downed: Any kills scored while you’re downed count towards your final score. Kills scored after you die do not count towards your final score (e.g. from traps, or someone that you knocked down bleeding out).

Tiebreaker: If you and your opponent finish the game with the same amount of kills, play the match again until one player finishes with more kills than the other.

Lag/Settings: After getting on the bus, any complaints on lag or pre-game settings will not be taken into consideration. No exceptions.

Interference & Obstruction: You and your opponent may work together to secure kills. "Stealing" your opponents kills is allowed and part of the competitive nature.

Here are the things not allowed:

Breaking or purposely weakening any structure that your opponent has built or non built structures or cover by any means that is actively being used by your opponent.
Causing your opponent to miss shots.
Building in front of or around your opponent (intentionally preventing movement)

Common things that are allowed:

Attracting other opponents by firing guns around your teammate (opponent).
Boxing yourself in around a loot crate or chest.
Following your teammate (opponent).
Shooting down your own structure and launch pad (if you built them).

If you lose the game and feel your opponent interfered with your game play in any of the above prohibited ways, please dispute the match by submitting a winning score on your end. After you do that, please explain in the dispute what happened and provide video evidence of it happening within the time allowed during the dispute window.

Please note that the above list is not all-inclusive. Admins may use their discretion to assess interference for things above or things in addition to the above. While we make the best effort possible to maintain a fair and consistent experience, all interference calls are strictly at admin discretion.

We must have clear proof to warrant a forfeit.

Kill Stealing: Kill-stealing is not against the rules.

Disconnections: If a player disconnects in the pre-game warm-up, the game must be replayed. If you disconnect during game play, it is treated like a death. Your score is equal to the number of kills you had when you disconnected. Your opponent can continue to play even after you have disconnected from the match.