Match-ups will be displayed on the Toornament website brackets, and will be created and hosted on The Garden Gate website at the start of each round. The start and end of each round of matches will be announced in #tournaments on The Garden Gate Discord server.
Once a round of matches begins, participants will have 3 days to complete their matches. When a match is completed, at least one player should report the result in #tournaments on discord.
Matches that remain incomplete at the end of a round will be decided by the tournament host. This decision will prioritize comparative player activity/inactivity over game state in order to discourage abuse (accidental or intentional) of these time limitations.
To help provide evidence of activity even when it is not your move, be sure to leave messages in the in-game chat or in the #tournaments channel on the Discord server whenever checking up on the match, as otherwise it is difficult to tell to what extent a participant has been active in the match. The best way to avoid an inactive match is to communicate with your opponent publicly on the server and planning out how/when to play out the match. Playing correspondence without communication is valid, but it runs the risk of disqualification if the match is not finished before the end of the round. Remember, it is difficult to tell just how long a game will last! When in doubt, plan to start earlier in the round rather than later.
Sandboxing is allowed, though heavy use is discouraged in the interest of faster play and general courtesy. Please do not delay games by spending excessive time in the sandbox.
Undos are allowed. Asking for and granting undos is encouraged, but not strictly required.
Though this tournament is competitive, participant interactions should still be respectful. Excessive trash talk, bullying, harassment, or any discriminatory behavior will lead to an instant disqualification from a match, and indeed the tournament if behavior continues/becomes notably egregious.
Chicago (UTC-06:00)
Dates du tournoi
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