HG duel tournament

- Max ping 99
- No cheats allowed
- No glitch allowed
- Abusive desyncs willl not be tolerated. Makhno and Darth will have the final word in case of suspicion.
- No racist/homophobia stuff will be tolerated.

- You'll be tagged on HG discord for your matches. You have 5 minutes to show up from that moment otherwise we start a countdown where you loose 1 fight per minute.

Explaination :
After 6 minutes if you finally come you start your match with : 0-6
After 7 minutes if you finally come you start your match with : 0-7
After 8 minutes if you finally come you start your match with : 0-8
After 9 minutes if you finally come you start your match with : 0-9
After 10 minutes : forfeit

- You have 5 minutes of break per match counting your delay if you're late. You'll start loosing fights if you overpass the 5 minutes.

- If you come late for a lot of your matches, Makhno and Darth can decide to kick you off the tourney in order to follow the schedule.