Overwatch Ace Series v1.0 Qual

Overwatch Ace Series v1.0 Qualifiers

Par Genysis Cyber E-Sports


1.1 Number of Players: 6 main players and 1 substitute player (optional)
1.2 Punctuality: 15 minutes late: DISQUALIFICATION


2.1 Competition method
--- 6 versus 6 Competitive Mode
2.2 Game Format:
--- Using Blizzard’s default Competitive preset
--- Swiss Group Stage
------ Seeded based on average team SR
------ Best of Two all matches
--- Double Elimination Playoffs
------ 4 Invited teams, 4 Open slots
------ All teams start in the Upper Brackets
------ Random seed, but invited teams will be paired against open qualifier teams in round 1
------ Best of Three all matches, Best of Five Grand Final
2.3 Map pool:
--- Assault
------ Hanamura
------ Horizon Lunar Colony
------ Temple of Anubis
------ Volskaya Industries
--- Escort
------ Dorado
------ Route 66
------ Watchpoint: Gibraltar
--- Hybrid
------ Hollywood
------ King’s Row
------ Numbani
------ Eichenwalde
--- Control
------ Ilios
------ LiJiang Tower
------ Nepal
------ Oasis
2.4 Map Veto
--- For the group stage, the following system is used:
------ https://owdraft.com or any similar system will be used for map vetoing
------ After all but 2 maps have been banned, the subsequent “bans” will be treated as map picks
------ Maps will be played in the following order:
--------- Starting team’s chosen map
--------- Opposing team’s chosen map
--------- For each chosen map, the opposing team gets to chose the starting side
--- For the playoffs, the following system is used:
------ https://owdraft.com or any similar system will be used for map vetoing
------ After all but 3 maps have been banned, the subsequent “bans” will be treated as map picks
------ Maps will be played in the following order:
--------- Starting team’s chosen map
--------- Opposing team’s chosen map
--------- Remaining Map
--------- For each chosen map, the opposing team gets to chose the starting side
------ For the Grand Finals, a different map veto system is used (Modified OGN Apex System)
--------- Each team bans one Hybrid map and one Control map
--------- A coin flip is used, winner decides to ban either ONE Escort map or ONE Assault map. The loser will ban the opposite.
--------- One control map is randomly chosen, the other will be used as a tiebreaker
--------- The maps will be played as follows:
------------ Map 1 : Control
------------ Map 2 : Escort (Chosen by loser of Map 1)
------------ Map 3 : Assault (Chosen by loser of Map 2)
------------ Map 4 : Hybrid (Chosen by loser of Map 3)
------------ Map 5 : Hybrid (Chosen by loser of Map 4)
2.5 Victory Conditions
--- Team with the highest score at the end of each map
--- Other team voluntarily withdraws
2.6 Tiebreaker
--- In case of a tied series, a random map from the remaining maps in the pool will be played
--- This will repeat until a winner is found


3.1 Any abuse of in-game glitches, bugs or exploits are strictly prohibited
3.2 Any use of cheats, hacks, third-party scripts or macros are prohibited, and may result in an instant disqualification
3.3 Any other mechanisms not specified above that are deemed by the organizer to provide an unfair advantage (e.g. taped crosshair on monitor, specialized hardware, screen peeking, stream sniping) are also prohibited


4.1 Technical pausing is allowed under the following conditions:
--- A technical issue has occurred on a player’s PC (e.g. No audio, no input, graphical lag, network lag)
--- One or more players have unexpectedly disconnected from the session
--- Any external on-site issues that disrupts or could disrupt the player(s) (e.g. broken furniture, physical obstructions)
4.2 Any teams found to be abusing the pausing system will be disqualified


5.1 Any further announcements regarding the tournament will be updated through our Facebook Page