The Fun 2v2 Extravaganza

The Fun 2v2 Extravaganza

Par Dave
Online, North America
- No exploits!
- Bandaging is not allowed
- You may not switch your loadout until you die
- No refreshing shields
- No picking up weapons outside of rounds
- No committing suicide (F10)
- Follow referee instructions
- No late substitutions
- Don't be late, bruh

Participation Instructions:

1. Be present in the Chivalry 2 Battlegrounds Discord in the Tourney Chat VC at 8:00 PM EST ( Wait in said VC channel until you are called upon by the referee. Participants who are not present will be contacted once, and then disqualified if they are unable to join.

2. Change your Discord server nickname to match the name you registered under in the tournament. (not your team name, but rather your participant name.)

3. Please listen to and follow instructions given by your referee, FatWalrus. (FatWalrusJuices#1453). If you have any questions you would like to ask, you can mention the @Referee role in the Discord server.

4. Do your best to spread the word! Share the live stream or watch it for yourself at