SiLa Draft Tournament NA

Siren's Lament Draft Tournament

Par akemikaname
-Matches must start at the designated time or you will be disqualified. If you are late to the party hosted by a moderator you will be disqualified.
-All wins should be reported by players
-If teams do not report the match results on either or discord, they will be disqualified regardless of a win or loss.
-ONLY 3v3s are permitted
-No spectators are allowed besides moderators and verified streamers-- you are able to watch the streamed matches on twitch (streamers are listed on both and discord).
-Each game is best of one, however finals are best of three.
-Please contact a moderator/officer or streamer AT LEAST TEN MINUTES before the start of the tournament to check in, not checking in is considered a loss. You are able to check in on our discord using the #tournament_results chatroom.

*The players that make up the winning team will win the ICE reward*