Seizure Salad University

1. A player can only play for once. If you are caught playing for another account, sanctions will be given to you and prize will be retracted.

2. CHEATING. Cheating doesn't need to be successful to qualify as a violation. Conspiring to cheat is already a violation and will lead to an automatic disqualification for all conspirators.

3. UNSPORTING CONDUCT. Every player is expected to treat one another with respect; therefore players proven of misconduct will receive consequences upon review of the action.

4. NO SHOW. If the opposing scholar/player does not show up during the scheduled match, a proof has to be shown in the form of a screenshot and a TIMESTAMP (ex. drag the tab at the upper screen to show the device-time).

5. COMMUNICATION. DISCORD shall be used as the official communication for this Tournament. A dedicated server will be created exclusive for this event.

6. RESULT. Screenshots are to be submitted as soon as the match ends at the official Discord Channel. Failing to submit the result of the match within 10 minutes of the match ending may result to a loss for both teams. Any disputes regarding the matches should be forwarded and addressed to assigned Coaches or Tournament Moderators within 10 minutes of the matches finishing.

7. DISCLAIMER. SSU Admins hold the right to change rules as it deems fit.