Fun kill race tournament

Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch
Please Read rules
If do not have any xbox gamer tag when asked or any gamer tag except one please say I DO NOT HAVE
Please stream so that we may show your screen when it is your turn YOU DO NOT HAVE TO
Win Condition:
The winning team will be determined by the team with the largest number of total kills over two games played. If their is a tie, the tiebreaker will be determined by the last team that has a player still standing. If that is still a tie then the winner will be decided by the team that got the final kill.
Note: Players that are downed are NOT considered standing.
Kills made after a match has concluded will not count. Once no player is left standing, the match is concluded.
Example: Players A, B, and C are all dead. Player D is still standing. If Player A gets a kill, that kill will count towards the team’s overall score. The second that player D dies, no other kills that occur after Player D’s death will be counted.
Teams are permitted to work together, however, you may not intentionally cause the death of your opponent or negatively impact your opponent’s gameplay. This includes sabotaging structures, causing fall damage, or any other negative interference in your opponents gameplay. Doing so will result in a forfeit of kills for that map.
Cross-platform is permitted. Players can play on either PS4 Console, Xbox console, and switch for online events, and PS4 with the controller, PS4 with keyboard and mouse, or Xbox with the controller. Xbox does have a keyboard and mouse option.
Bracket Play
Single Elimination:
After losing a match, teams will be eliminated from the bracket.
Default Start Time:
All-round one (1) matches have the same default start time. After round one (1), all Matches have a unique default start time that is dependent upon the time at which the teams’ previous round results were submitted. Matches must be started by their default start time and played until completion. Postponing matches is only at the discretion of the Online Tournament staff.
Double Forfeit:
If a match is not played and neither team submits a ticket requesting the forfeit win, or both teams otherwise forfeit a game/match, the game/match win will be awarded to the higher seeded team.
Teams will be randomly seeded at of the close of registration. Seeds are done in ascending order. The higher seed is determined by the team with the seed closest to zero (0).
Example: Seed four (4) is a higher seed than seed ten (10).
All Matches
Warm-up: Yes their will be warm-ups but try to play as you will when you play with the tournament rules
Teams may not delay the start of a match beyond its scheduled start time, without the approval of a tournament official. Teams may delay a match between games for up to five minutes. Teams can request that a tournament official enforce this five minute time limit. After five minutes of a tournament official enforced delay, if the delaying team does not have the minimum required players, they will forfeit the match.
If a player does not get into the game lobby before the start of the game, all players should back out and re-form the party.
If a player disconnects prior to landing, the match should be replayed. If this occurs more than once, tournament live support should be
If a player disconnects/leave the game after landing, their kills at the time of the disconnection (proof must be provided in the case of a disagreement) will be added to the kills of their teammate and the remainder of the game will continue.
No Shows:
The No Show grace period time is 15 minutes after the match’s original start time. For example, if a match is scheduled for 10:00 PM, the no-show time for this match would be 10:15 PM. Prior to any forfeits being made, a tournament admin must confirm that a team has failed to show up for the match.
Tournament No Show Procedure:
A tournament admin will contact the team that has failed to show up through the console’s messaging system. If we are unable to contact you through the system, you will be contacted through the email they registered with.
Time Limit:
Both teams must report the match results within 10 minutes of its completion. Failure to report the match results on time or respond to any messages that you receive from a tournament official may result in your team receiving the loss.
Report Match Score:
Please report the match results on your match page .To report the match results, teams must report the match score accurately, with overall Games won being reported. For example, the match score can be reported as 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, 3-0, 3-1, or 3-2 depending upon the match length. Reporting the individual points for each game is optional.
Breaking any rule and any form of cheating, glitching, abusing in-game mechanics, or unsportsmanlike behavior may result in a forfeit of a game, match, or ban from GameBattles. Cheating, glitching, and abusing in-game mechanics accusations must be verified by a tournament official.
We highly recommend that proof is taken with the console’s built in recording system to gather proof. At least one member of each team should take a video or screenshot(s) of each game’s results in case proof is needed for a dispute. All proof should be clearly visible and contain the player's names if they are dead, and their number of kills.
In order to dispute game results, players/teams must notify a tournament official that they would like to protest the game before a new game has begun. In order to dispute match results, players/teams must notify a tournament official that they would like to protest the match no longer than 15 minutes after the end of the Match. The proof is needed to dispute matches.
Teams may request that they be allowed to concede victory of a game. Teams may request that their opponent not receive a forfeit penalty. A tournament official must be contacted with these requests.
Dispute Evidence:
In the event of a dispute, please provide your video/screenshot proof. The issue must be clearly stated as well as the time in the video in which the issue occurred, and/or what the tournament official should be looking for in the picture/video.