The bois
The bois

Joueurs du match


Tag: ARM
احمد كامل حسن كامل
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: cfhd
عبد الله ابن محفوظ عبد الله
Country: Arabie saoudite
Summoner Name: fake bot
احمد عبد الفتاح محمود
Country: Koweït
Summoner Name: AYM
محمد عبد الفتاح محمد
Country: Koweït
Summoner Name: XseazarX
عبد الاله سالم ابو الياس
Country: Arabie saoudite
Summoner Name: lomina ss
شادي شريف علي فرج
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: 3m faker
يوسف محمد عزت محمد محمد
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: youssef7744
احمد محسن سيد
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: mind10

The bois

Tag: BOI
Ahmed waleed ahmed
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: Coco Boi
Ali samy sobeh
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: THEBEAST Boi
Adham Gawish
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: Adham Boi
Beshoy Mamdouh
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: Besha Boi
Abd alaziz ahmed
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: Zizo boi
احمد عطيه
Country: Égypte
Summoner Name: Teto Boi