UFHQ - PS5 - FIFA 21 - League

UFHQ - PS5 - FIFA 21 - League

Playstation 5
The following rules & regs should also be read before taking part.


It’s very important that if you are taking part and committing to any UFHQ tournaments that you have the time and can give it your full undivided attention to complete all the matches as well as being in contact at all times.

We want to make these tournaments as fun as possible and non-committed players disrupt and waste other players time and Admin efforts.

Show Respect
Always respect other players and the admins who run it on your behalf.

Players are prohibited from sharing account information.This includes, but is not limited to the following: user names, passwords, game tags, email accounts, etc. If another person accesses your account, you may be disqualified from the League or Cup. This includes giving out your password to allow others to account recover your Xbox or PS4 Gamertag

Make sure your Gamertag / PSN Details are correct. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure the Gamertag/PSN ID they use, matches the Gamertag/PSN ID listed on their UFHQ Profile.

Game Settings

• GAME TYPE = Online (Please note when playing this format, your league teams will vary in rating depending on the latest updates you download during the season)

• Mode - 1v1 friendlies - Online Mode
• HALF LENGTH = 6 Minutes
• Default Speed - Normal.

Season Format - UFHQ - PS5 - FIFA 21

• Start - Monday 18th Jan. (8-week season)
• Schedule - 2 fixtures per week deadline, 15 league games to be played in total. (everyone plays each other the once)
• Top 8 will go into Div 1 & the rest in Div 2 for the following season
• Knock Out Cup competition included. (1 leg matches)
• All games are played up to 90 mins only
• 3pts for a win, 1pt for a draw and 0pts for a loss
• On the event of tied points, the team with higher goal difference, then most goals scored, then least conceded

*Each player will play each other once.

*This criteria will be subject to change if we get players dropping out or not continuing into the following season.

Important Rules -

• Any match defaulted without any communication will be deducted -2pts. This will be down to the admin's discretion based on activity.

• If a player is in communication with his opponent & Admin, but simply cannot fit his game in he will not be deducted any points.

• Players can request more time to play games with genuine excuse like Network issues, work, social or holiday commitments - but must state the extension in plenty of time or in advance. That fixture has to be played within 2 weeks of the original date or it will be defaulted accordingly.

• If both players fail to play a fixture due to running out of time or network issues it will go down as default draw.

• There is a 1 week deadline to play games for a given week, starting from Monday 00.00 to Sunday 23.00

• Must Keep your selected teams, through out the season.

• Must keep to the defaulted squads, cannot add additional players.

• No Custom Formations – You can only use the defaulted formations provided in the game. No silly custom formations allowed (6, 7, 8 in defence)

• No show boating allowed, overuse of skill moves as a delaying tactic, or keeping ball in defence for long periods of time or continuously passing backwards, especially when you have the lead.

• No deliberate chopping down players continuously on purpose and slowing down play as a tactic – keep the game flowing.

• Any rules broken must be brought to the attention of an admin, but also you must have evidence via a screen shot or video. Strongly advise to use the share option on the console or use your mobile.

Connection Issues – If during the game it goes out of sync or freezes:During the first 5 mins, regardless of the score, you start again at 0-0; Any time after 5 mins, whatever time was left when it went out of sync you replay the game, but only the remaining time which was left (for example it froze on 60 mins and was 4-3 you reconnect and play only 30 mins of the first half at 4-3. Make sure when you reconnect, you both agree on the time to be played and what the current score is).

N.B. You can decide between yourselves if you disconnect in the 2nd half, to keep it fair and play in the same direction and have the right player kicking off. When you reconnect play the first half as you did before (but no goals will count) then play the 2nd half with the remaining time needed to complete the match from before or if your opponent agrees or can host, swap the host and play that half or remaining time left – so your kicking in the right direction. Remember communication is vital and make sure your clear and you both agree.

Arranging Fixtures – players to view the fixtures on the FB League group event wall or on the Toornament app. There you should see who your playing & their GT.

Simply organise/arranged your game in that week through the League FB group chat your in.

Reporting Match Results – Do the following:

• Access the web link - Both players to post the results for both games played.

Reporting Match Results –
Winner to report ASAP
Login Toornment Web
Go to - UFHQ - PS5 FIFA 21 Season 1
Click Matches then my Matches
Select the game you want to report
Select report, making sure you report the games (Home & Away)
Once completed the standing will auto update.

Any disputes must be reported via PM to Admin,
within 15 minutes of the match in question finishing.

Anything posted after that time frame will be discarded. Admin will look into all genuine disputes with evidence only. (Share on console, screen shot or mobile) Admin's discretion & verdict is final.

If unsure how to report - https://help.toornament.com/participant/report-your-results-and-scores

If any issues or disputes, post your concern on the event wall and Admin will contact you ASAP.

Season Deadlines – Dates will be set for certain fixtures, where games have to be completed within a certain period of time, so the season can progress. Any games not completed will be defaulted accordingly.

Discretion – League admin have the right to use their discretion to over come any problems during the league season or feel that anyone is disrupting the tourney should be removed.

Thank you for taking the time to read the above rules,

the Admin wish you the best of luck and more importantly have fun!