OG Overwatch - Community Showdown

OG Overwatch - Community Showdown - Rule Set

-A team must have 6 players as a minimum, with 2 additional players allowed as substitutes.
-Each team must assign a "Team Captain" before the beginning of the tournament. That captain will be the primary contact for communications and primary contact for all prizing(if needed).
-Inappropriate team names will be denied at any time if they do not reflect professional standards. Affected teams will be required to change and play under another approved name.

-The tournament consists of 6 teams in total.
- 3 teams will be in each group namely Group A and Group B
-Teams play a Best-of-5 maps match throughout the entire tournament.
-Each team will have to play 2 group stage matches.
- The first team from group A and a second-team from Group B will play the first Semi-Finals
- The First team from group B and the second team from Group A will play the second Semi-Finals.
- The Winners of the Semi-Finals will play in the Final
-Settings - (The lobby settings must be verified and double-checked before starting the game, It is the responsibility of both teams to check these settings).

Ingame Lobby Settings:
- Should be in Competitive Rules (Modes > Go Into Each Mode and Set Competitive Rules Enabled)
- Game Mode Start should be set as Manual (Modes > All > )
- Skins should be disabled from Settings. (Modes > All > )
- Pause Game on player Disconnect should be Enabled, This will be included in given per team pause time of 5min. (Lobby > )
- Max Spectators should be 1 (This value can be changed if given permission by an administrator)
- Custom Game Lobby Setting(Modes) Screenshot if given above is not clear. (Modes - http://prntscr.com/m9kk18 )
- If a specific hero is not available in the Competitive Mode in Live Server, That hero needs to be disabled.

Tournament Structure:
-Tournament will be played with 3 teams per group with a total of 2 groups in a round-robin style.
-The two teams with the most points from each group will proceed to the semi-finals, which would decide the two teams playing in the grand finals.

Maps / Mode:
-Teams select from the current competitive map pool
-Each match will include game modes in this order: Control – Escort – Assault – Hybrid - Control
-The losing team from each map will pick the next map. The winning team from each map will pick which side they play on the following map.
-In case of a draw, a tiebreaker map will be played immediately. The winning team from the previous map picks which side they play on.
-First tiebreaker map to be played (if needed): Any control map from the current competitive map pool (best-of-3).
-Second tiebreaker map to be played (if needed): Any control map from the current competitive map pool (best-of-3).
-The 5th match (if needed) will be Control. It will be played on a control match that was not played previously in the following match map pool.

Tournament Rules:

-All matches will be played on the latest live server Overwatch patch.
-It is the responsibility of both teams to check player eligibility before the start of a match. Teams who play with ineligible rosters will be disqualified. If a player is unsure of another player's eligibility before a match starts, they must request administrator support before playing their match.
-Teams can substitute players between maps. But they cannot substitute players between stages of "control maps".
-Coaches and Managers for teams can communicate with their players before and after matches, not during.
-Tournament administrators have the right to enforce a map ban or a hero ban for any duration of time in cases of a bug existing within the current patch.
-Heroes: Only heroes that are enabled in the "Competitive Play" mode can be played.
-Team captains will be responsible for inviting the remaining members of their team to the game lobby.
-Players must start within 10 minutes of the assigned match time unless a dispute to an administrator has been made (Dispute can be made through discord or Facebook message). Delays beyond 10 minutes will result in forfeiture of the map.
-Each team is allowed up to 5 minutes of pause time per map.
-After the 5 minutes are up, teams must forfeit or continue to play unless there is a dispute being sent to tournament administrators.
-Teams are responsible for any of their own technical issues, Matches are to be continued as normal if any issues arise. Pause time can be used, but additional pause time for technical issues will not be awarded. A tournament administrator may assess a game restart in case of a server crash or other unforeseen circumstances.
-Tournament staff and administrators are permitted to join and spectate at any time.
-Players must alert administrators before the start of the match for all roster and game settings disputes. Contacting administrators after a game has already been agreed upon and played by both teams may result in staying as the game of record, regardless of correct or incorrect game settings, at the tournament administrators’ discretion.
-In case of forfeits and no-shows, Teams who forfeit will receive a match loss. Teams who receive forfeit wins will receive a match win.
-Proof of results is required in case of a dispute. Screenshots and/or recorded video may be used as evidence in case of disputes. (Screenshot of the game score, will be required if an administrator isn't present during the match. Team leaders are responsible for getting the screenshot of the final score of each match that was played from both teams).
-Players may not take any action or perform any gesture directed at another player, event official, fan, or any other party or incite others to do the same which is abusive, insulting, mocking, or disruptive.
-Teams are expected to play at their best at all points during any Event game and will maintain behaviors consistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, and fair play. Unfair conduct includes but is not limited to Collusion, Hacking, Exploiting, Ringing, intentional disconnection, or other cheating methods. Tournament administrators maintain the sole right in judgment for violations of these rules and standards of integrity for competitive play.
-Any person found to have engaged in any act which the tournament administrator believes breaks any of the rules in this document or does not align with the spirit of these rules, in the sole discretion of the tournament administrator, will be subject to penalty. The nature and extent of the penalties imposed will be in the sole discretion of the tournament administrators.
-All rules are open to an administrator’s interpretation and will have the final say on any rulings. Rules may be changed by the administrators at any time.