TGC-2v2 GF: Tournament #8

[EU] 2v2 Gunfight presented by The Gentlemen's Club eSports

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Par The Gentlemen's Club
Online, Europe
JOIN DISCORD and dont forget to ᐅCHECK INᐊ !

How to get accepted for the Tournament:
1. Join the Discord.
2. Go to #tournament-registration.
3. Type "Team(yourteamname)"
4. Send the team logo (.png) to one of the discord admins.

ᐅOne person of a Squad has to be in the voice channels during the organization phase and between the matches.ᐊ

§1 Behaviour: Politeness and respect is what we expect from everyone.

§2 Tournament Setup: Double Elimination BO1 / Grandfinal BO3

§3 Match setup: Matches will be setup and hosted by organizers.

§4 Match mode: Standard Gunfight 2v2

§5 Match settings:
- Standard Operator Skins
- Winning Score is 10 (except for Grandfinals -> 6)
- Best of 1
- Grand Finals Best of 3
- Team that stands on top in the tournament tree plays as "Allegiance"

§6 Maps Rotation:
WB1________Map pool 1
WB2________Map pool 3
WB3________Map pool 5
WB4________Map pool 4
WB5________Map pool 2

LB1_________Map pool 2
LB2_________Map pool 4
LB3_________Map pool 5
LB4_________Map pool 3
LB5_________Map pool 1

Maps will by chosen like this:
-Team "top" bans MAP1
-Team "bottom" bans MAP3
ᐅ MAP2 will be played

Map pools:
MP1: Stack, Bazaar, Aisle9
MP2: Speedball, King, Docks
MP3: Gulag, Shipment, Atrium
MP4: Stadium, Trench, Livestock
MP5: Hill, Rust, Pine

FINALS: In the finals Map pool will be banned.
Map pools will by chosen like this:
-Team "top" bans Map pool 1
-Team "bottom" bans Map pool 3
-Team "top" bans Map pool 2
-Team "bottom" bans Map pool 5
ᐅ Map pool 4 will be played

§7 Disconnect:
If a player disconnects within a game round it will be played until its finished. The game will be paused and the player is allowed to reconnect within 5 minutes.