Joueurs du match


Clan Tag: #LL288RP9
Representative discord tag: Kingsman|Nova#8012
Second representative discord tag: n/c
Pays: Chine
Player Tag: #PR822G92
Discord tag: Nova|Hai#6593
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: China
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #9P0VYJP8C
Discord tag: zzzming#2600
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: China
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #CVYR92RP
Discord tag: n/c
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #LCCUV2QJU
Discord tag: n/c
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #C2G2Q22
Discord tag: JOKER77#4538
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #LU8VQ2VY
Discord tag: Kingsman|Nova#8012
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: China
Country of the account: n/c
妙手天师 ~ 晨曦
Player Tag: #8V02JJV8L
Discord tag: same player as 8
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: China
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #8V02JJV8L
Discord tag: same player as 7
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #9PQULPL98
Discord tag: n/c
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #8RQP0QGYU
Discord tag: n/c
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #JCCJ00LL
Discord tag: n/c
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c

Unicorns Of Love

Clan Tag: #29QP89U2J
Representative discord tag: toto|Unicorns Of Love
Second representative discord tag: ted 1884#2444
Pays: n/c
Player Tag: #QGR8U8QR
Discord tag: toto|Unicorns Of Love
Discord ID: 753581375889604658
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #PL8VQLGL
Discord tag: komakun#3860
Discord ID: 753580266152525914
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: oshiiilukun#JGPYRPUQ
Discord tag: Oshiiilukun|Unicorns Of Love
Discord ID: おしる 735702139170717777
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #C0CGJLC0
Discord tag: sterdam#6416
Discord ID: ダム 743095693144621127
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #28PJR9YUU
Discord tag: sahara|Unicorns Of Love #2590
Discord ID: 735439616873857036
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #2C9J80LRG
Discord tag: CURRY/PoW#6944
Discord ID: 754469593585549393
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #2LGQC9JV8
Discord tag: komakun#3860
Discord ID: 753580266152525914
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #90VCCCQYG
Discord tag: sahara|Unicorns Of Love #2590
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Player Tag: #2LGQC9JV8
Discord tag: komakun#3860
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
: Wado :
Player Tag: #JPGV2C2L
Discord tag: n/c
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c
Hocus Pocus
Player Tag: #VVRQU2UC
Discord tag: chichin|Hocus Pocus#2223
Discord ID: n/c
Country of the player: n/c
Country of the account: n/c