1v1 Duel Party - Tourney

Albion Online - 1v1 Ice-Breaker Duel Party Tourney

Par Oath of Vengeance
Online, QQ Guild Island | Finals on OOV Guild Island
1) Dont post racist, pornographic, sexist, homophobic or extremely violent content
2) Dont Spam
3) Don't discuss moderator's decisions
4) Don't be toxic or constantly negative & unconstructive
5) Guild Members are asked to respect one another
6) Guild Members are not allowed to share any personal information about anyone publicly or in-game unless they are to be reported to Guild Admins
7) Guild Members are required to adhear to disciplined communication within discord (know when to talk)
8) Do not inbox members asking them for silver or begging for gear.

Be kind to each other, look out for your fellow guild members and be constructive with their gear builds and advice.