Flaktest Fortnite Winter Series

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch, Mobile
Par Flaktest
Online, Fortnite
Rules are subject to change


Teams are permitted to work together, however, you may not intentionally cause the death of your opponent. This includes sabotaging structures, causing fall damage. Doing so will result in a forfeit of the map. Picking up consumables or weapons on kills is not considered griefing.

No Shows

The No Show grace period time is 15 minutes after the match’s original start time. For example, if a match is scheduled for 10:00 PM, the no show time for this match would be 10:15 PM. Please inform a Match Official if this occurs.

Time Limit

Both teams must report the match results within 10 minutes of its completion. Failure to report the match results on time or respond to any messages that you receive from a tournament official may result in your team receiving the loss.

Report Match Score

Please report the match results on your match page .To report the match results, teams must report the match score accurately, with overall Games won being reported. For example, the match score can be reported as 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, 3-0, 3-1, or 3-2 depending upon the match length. Reporting the individual points for each game is optional.


Breaking any rule and any form of cheating, glitching, abusing in-game mechanics, or unsportsmanlike behavior may result in a forfeit of a game and/or match. Cheating, glitching, and abusing in-game mechanics accusations must be verified by a match official. In order to contact a match official, contact them via the Match Official channel on our Flaktest discord. If a Match Official isn’t immediately available, a ticket must be submitted immediately, along with proof, screenshot or video, of the cheating. Punishable unsportsmanlike behavior includes, but is not limited to, excessive use of foul or degrading language. For all cheating claims, the burden of proof is on the accuser.


We highly recommend that proof is taken with the console’s built in recording system to gather proof. At least one member of each team should take a video or screenshot(s) of each game’s results in case proof is needed for a dispute. All proof should be clearly visible and contain the players names’, if they are dead, and their number of kills.