KING OF THE HILL TOURNAMENT! (Discord & Twitch Shoutout Prize!)

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Online, North America / Europe

- You will load into my custom creative mode server.
- There are four corners in the map, and the middle is where the hill is for the king of the hill concept.
- The first person to reach the top and place the Rift wins.
- If you're killed you may rejoin but will be behind others.
- Cheating or griefing will result in disqualification
- No building allowed, and use guns provided
- The objective of the game is to capture the top point first.
- If killed, you can rejoin.
- No mic spam, chat spam, racism, threats, or swearing
- All in-game mics should be muted while the host is speaking
- Failing to complete these tasks results in disqualification
- For further explanation or questioning, please feel free to ask in the Discord