eSGS: All Filipino - Season 2

eSports Gaming Society tournament: All Filipino Season 2 for DOTA 2

Par eSports Gaming Society, Qatar Chapter
Online, Qatar
eSports Gaming Society tournament: All Filipino - Season 2 for DOTA 2

Rules and Regulations:
A total of 24 teams will take part in this tournament. It will be based on a first come first serve basis
All Players must be living in Qatar only and must be registered on the ESGS group and website.
Team Leader/captains are required to update the Organizer's beforehand and provide full details on players and Stand-ins. This includes full name, in game nickname, and steam account.
Each team consists of 5 players and 1 Sub-player can be play during the tournament.
Bracket Rules:

In the finals, the team in the winning bracket goes into the series with a 1 point lead. Meaning, they need to win 1 games instead of 2 to win the series. (unless stated otherwise)
The tournament will host depend amount of teams to play on a double elimination format. The first round will be played as a best of one. The semi final winner backet will be a best of three. (unless stated otherwise)
Start and End Date:

The tournament will run from for the set amount of days posted on the tournament page.
Starting Match:

All teams are expected to be there and confirm their attendance preferably 10 minutes before the start of the match.
Recording Scores:

Score from all matches will be recorded by ESGS admins. In the case of a tournament being livestream, from the first round, semifinals, loser bracket finals, grand finals will be broadcasted with live commentary in the Tagalog or English language.

Breach of Rules:

Foul language, offensive and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated from any player and will result in the following:
First Warning that the team captain has to acknowledge
Second Warning will lead to forfeiting the game
Third Warning will lead to disqualification from the tournament
Match Rules:

Here are the Lobby Rules:
Lobby Password: Mandatory*
Game Name: Team A vs Team B (ESGS SEASON 2)
Enable Cheats: OFF
Bot Difficulty: Random
Version: Tournament
Series Type: No Series
Game Mode: Captains Mode
Starting Team: Random
Penalty-Radiant: None
Penalty-Dire: None
Server Location: Local
Spectators: Enable
Dota TV Delay: 2 minutes
*Share the Lobby Password with the opposing team to allow them to find your game.
if there's any Technical issue with the network, we will use Console mode.

Spectating the game will be set to lobby Only and in the case stream is available, we will be streaming the games on our official channel
Disconnect/connection issues:
All games are to be played on Local servers by default unless stated otherwise.
Teams with mutual agreement to play on a different server are allowed to do so.
In case of any disconnects, both teams will need to pause the game until the player has reconnected.
Pauses need to be justified immediately to the other team. Disruptive pauses will be flagged and closely monitored.
Some situations maybe require a last resort of using “Load Game”, this needs an admin’s approval.
Game Admin:

In case of any dispute regarding any issue, the final decision will be made by the Organizers.
Game Organizers has the power to refute any rule depending on the situation at hand.

Important: This Registration is for Dota 2 - PC Platform only.
Registration Fee to be collected by notification to Team Captain is at QR50 per participant or individual player.