Star Duos Tournament (US)

PC, Playstation 4, Mobile
Par Starhor_z DropShawtOnYt

- Each team must stream the tournament on either Youtube or Twitch
- Make sure you have your Epic Account name ready so that the adding process can go by smoother
- kills made after a match has concluded will not count.
- A match is considerd concluded once all players from both teams have died.
Example: Players A,B, and C are all dead. Player D is still standing. If Player A gets a kill, that kill will count towards the team's overall score. The second that player D dies, no other kills that occur after Player D's death will be counted.
- In the event of an tie the, team that lives the longest will then be granted the win. If both teams make it to the end of the game then the team that got the winning kill will win that round.
- Matches start within 15 min. of the scheduled start time. If a team has not checked in within 15 min. of the scheduled start time that team with face disqualification.
- Any sabotage against the other team will result in disqualification, sabotage includes( Destroying any structure the opposing team has built, Edits that inflict damage upon the opposing team, and Using any items to inflict damage upon the opposing team e.g. Impulse Nading the opposing player off of a structure.