Nordic PS4 R6 Cup

Nordic PS4 Rainbow Six Siege Cup

Playstation 4
Par Ubisoft Nordic

Any person that has a standing cheating ban by Ubisoft for Rainbow Six: Siege is ineligible to participate.

You have to be 16+ years old to participate in the tournament.
If you’re 13+ years old, you need a consent from your parents.
Send photo of this to an admin/moderator on (as a personal message)

Your team have to consist of 5 players, where at least 3 players have to be a Nordic citizens and live at an official address with legal residence:
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland.
The 5th player can be from any European country.

All roster changes must be made prior the creation of the match. A team attending with less than 3 nordic players will be disqualified.

PS4 Rainbow Six Siege game
All players need to enter their correct game account associated to the platform.

Technical Issues:
Players are responsible for their own hardware and internet connection. Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues or substitute a player. If a team can’t play with 5 players, this will be resulted as forfeit.

Everyone is responsible to have a connection (ping) as good as possible for their team region and technical situation. Also, all downloads and other programs which are unnecessary for the match must be turned off. For abusing this rule, the team can be disqualified.

High Ping:
The ping limit for a match is 200ms. If a player is over this value, please try to do a re-host first, before a protest is opened. Be sure a dedicated server was created. In the case, if the player still have a ping over 200ms and it’s not possible to play the match without problems, a protest can be opened. It only counts as high ping, if the ping is continuously over 200ms! By opening a protest due to high ping, the match must not be finished and the team must hand in at least three (3) screenshots of the scoreboard, which was taken in different time over two (2) rounds. Ubisoft Nordic discord admins/moderators will then decide, if the match has to be restarted or not.

Substitute Players:
It is only allowed to substitute a player before the match starts. If the match is started (picking operator and spawn points), all 5 players of a team must play the game till the end. It is possible to switch players in a Bo3 between the maps.

Tournament Rules:
All players are expected to follow the giving settings. Different agreements are not allowed.

Map Veto and Hosting Rights
The team with the lower seed (higher number in the bracket) gets the host right. The team with the higher seed (lower number in the bracket) will ban first.
Teams will ban successively until 1 map remains. The team which banned the last map, can choose the attacker or defending side.

No Show
If a contestant is not ready to play after 15 minutes, then they should be reported as a no show to an admin. The countdown starts from the moment both teams have progressed to the match. After the report has been made, the team will get another extra 10 minutes to show up and explain the reason of their late. If they fail to show up within 10 minutes, they will automatically be dropped out of the tournament.

If a contestant chooses to forfeit a match, they will forfeit any prizes and if possible will be replaced by their opponent in the previous round.

The winning team are responsible to give the correct result on the Toornament website. The winning team should take a screenshot at the end of the match, where we can see the correct result and they need to upload it after the match to the Toornament website.
Overall Results: 1-0, 0-1.

If both teams can’t agree on the score, an admin/moderator will contact both team captains via discord.

Add Results
It is only allowed to add a score when the match is finished. Enter a team score before the match is finished, will be taken as unsportsmanlike behaviour and disqualification of the team. If you encounter a problem while trying to report your score, please contact one of the admins/moderators.
The winning team will have to upload a screenshot of the final scoreboard on Toornament match page. If a team wants to contest a score, but fails to provide any screenshot, admins won’t consider the application any further.

The match must be played as soon as possible (both teams added to the match).
To keep the delay during the tournament as low as possible, we reserve the right to disqualify teams from the tournament. This will only be done in cases, where a team shows no real effort to get a match done or is even obviously blocking. In severe cases, this can even affect both teams.

Player Drops:
If a player drops from the server during a match, the round will continue uninterrupted until the end (Round starts with the first second of the preparation phase). After completion of the round, the player who disconnected will be allowed to re-join the server. The match is considered “live”, when the first round has started. At least 4 players need to remain and the match need to be played until the match end and a winner is decided. If this isn’t possible due to connection issues, it will be considered as a forfeit in favour for the team, who is able to have all players on the server.

Every team can re-host the server once in a match. If problems like this appear again, such as a player dropping out when the match has already been re-hosted, the team need to play the match with the 4 remaining players to its conclusion. Any abuse of the rule will be considered as deception and will result in disqualification of the team. If a team leaves the server without informing the opponent, the team risks forfeiting the match. Each player is responsible for his/her own hardware.

In a re-hosted game, each player need to choose the same settings as they picked at the start of the original game. All ruling which isn’t explained in the previous point, the teams had to open a protest ticket. Only admins/moderators can decide, if the game will be complete restarted by a score 0-0.

Pausing the Game
If a player pauses a game, they must state the reason for the interruption and how long it will approximately take. The game can only be resumed by the player that paused the game, after they asks their opponent it they are ready. The pause should not be longer than 10 minutes.

Violation of this rule are handled as unsportsmanlike behaviour and can lead to a re-game.

The in-game chat function are there to communicate efficiently with the opponent and the match admins. The only messages that can be sent are: gl, hf, gh, gg, or messages to the admin about a problem that occurred during the game. All other messages will be considered spam, and will be punished depending on the nature and severity.

Illegal Actions:
Any actions that result in an unfair advantage are illegal. This includes bug and glitch using of any kind. In a tournament by using any bug or glitch, the team get a warning, by the second time of using it, the team will be disqualified.

MACROS and keyboard & mouse is not allowed, and if discovered, it will lead to a permanent ban from the tournament and future tournaments.

Spawnkilling / Spawnpeaking
Killing somebody instantly after spawning without any chance to react or moving away, will be rated as spawnkilling and will be punished as glitching/bug using.
Killing somebody who already spawned, moved out of cover or is spawnrushed is considered spawnbreaking and will not be rated as glitching/bug using.

Casting a match is only allowed with an admin/moderators agreement.

Matched have to be played with the following settings:
All matches will be played with 5 players per team in a Bo1.


Playlist Type: Normal Mode
Server Type: Dedicated Server
Voice Chat: Team Only
Time of the Day: Day
HUD Settings: Pro League

Match Settings

Number of bans: 4
Ban timer: 30
Number of Rounds: 10
Attacker/Defender Role Swap: 5
Overtime: 3
Overtime Score Difference: 2
Overtime Role Change: 1
Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
Attacker Unique Spawn: On
Pick Phase Timer: 30
6th Pick Phase: On
6th Pick Phase Timer: 20
Damage Handicap: 100
Friendly Fire Damage: 100
Injured: 20
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: Off

Game Mode: TDM bomb

Plant Duration: 7
Defuse Duration: 7
Fuse Time: 45
Defuser Carrier Selection: On
Preparation: 45
Action: 180


All Operator are allowed to use (DLC allowed).


Club House

Winning Team Captain will report their team’s score.