iACADEMY Games Smash 4 eSports SHS Division

General Rules:
1. All rules and regulations found within the iACADEMY student handbook apply.
2. Enrolled Students Only
3. No one is allowed to eat inside the labs.
4. Strictly no trashtalking between players and teams. Friendly banter is acceptable.

Game Specific Rules:
1. Late players will receive 1 match loss and no side selection
2. Players that are late for more than 15 minutes within room creation will receive a bracket loss.
3. Any broken general rules will result to 1 match loss, no side selection, and a warning for their next game.
3.1 Accumulating 3 warnings will result to a bracket loss.

Room: Auditorium
# of Players: 18
Format: Double Elimination, Best of 3
Game Mode: 1v1, http://evo.shoryuken.com/additional-rules/
Expected Duration: 8:00AM