Valorant X


**Tournament Rules and Regulations:**

1. **Team Composition:**
- Each team must consist of a minimum of 5 players and may have up to 3 substitutes.

2. **Entry Fee:**
- The entry fee is ₹500 per player, payable upon registration.

3. **Prize Pool:**
- The total cash prize pool is ₹10,000.
- Additional cash prizes will be awarded to the top fragger and the player with the most votes from the community.

4. **Match Format:**
- Matches will be played in a standard competitive format.
- The map pool and match schedule will be announced prior to the start of the tournament.

5. **Fair Play:**
- Cheating of any kind will result in immediate disqualification.
- Respectful behavior towards other players and tournament organizers is expected at all times.

6. **Streaming and Spectating:**
- Some matches may be selected for streaming or spectating by the community or organizers.
- Players must follow any additional rules or guidelines related to streaming and spectating.

7. **Disputes and Rulings:**
- Any disputes or issues during matches will be handled by the tournament organizers, and their decisions are final.

8. **Schedule:**
- The tournament schedule will be communicated to all participants prior to the start of the tournament.

9. **Code of Conduct:**
- All participants are expected to adhere to a high standard of sportsmanship and fair play.
- Any violations of the code of conduct may result in penalties or disqualification.

10. **Changes to Rules:**
- The tournament organizers reserve the right to make changes to the rules or format of the tournament if necessary. Any changes will be communicated to all participants.

By participating in the tournament, players agree to abide by these rules and regulations. Violation of any rule may result in penalties, including disqualification from the tournament.

**Minimum ACC Level Requirement**

- All participants must have an ACC level of at least 50 to be eligible to participate in the tournament.
- This requirement is in place to ensure a fair platform for all participants and to discourage smurfing or surfing.
- Players found to violate this rule may be disqualified from the tournament.