LW71: Armored Core VI Arena

Por Teh_Tourist
-Each participant will create 3 AC designs named.

-ACs used in the tournament will be named LW1, LW2, and LW3.

-Each AC will utilize a unique head, core, arms, legs, extensions, left and right back mounts, left and right arm weapons.

-All designs may incorporate the same boosters, generators, FCS, and expansion parts.

-You may NOT tune your AC designs during a match.

-Matches will be best of 3 rounds. A round is defined as the standard duel mode in AC6.

-You can only win one round with each AC design.

-All rounds in a match will be played on the same map defined by the tournament organizer

-Breaking any AC design rules intentional or not will result in removal from the tournament. If a player suspects their opponent has broken an AC design rule they will inform the TO after the match has been completed.

-Failing to play the match on the correct map will result in the round(s) being replayed. No AC tuning will be allowed between the original round and the replay.