The Friendly - 20th August

The Friendly - 20th August

1) Tournament will commence at Sunday 20th August at 1pm and is expected to end around 9pm.
2) Format will consist of a double elimination format, with all players starting in the upper bracket.
3) Each team will play each time in BO1 games with the final being BO3.
4)The team that is designated first on the match page (team on the left) will flip a coin in the DOTA client with /flip. Winner of the coin flip gets to choose the selection of draft or side then chooses the order of the one selected. for example, if team 1 picks the draft order then chooses first pick then and the loser of the coin flip will choose the side they will play (Radiant or Dire).
5) each team will be in charge of communicating with their opponents through steam ID with the captains Steam ID that has been given publicly in the Toornament registration. This can be mitigated if the teams already know each other.
6) Each team will report the match scores through Toornament. If there are any issues with confirming the results please let us know.
7) Any excess text or vocal abuse will be punished.
8) any exploits or suspected cheating must be reported as soon as possible and reported to us immediately.
9) Pauses should only be used for technical issues and/or player issues. Pauses must be announced to the other team ahead of the pause. Pauses made without good reason/judged as made for tactical advantage may be punishable by disqualification.
10) Disconnects must be followed by an immediate pause until the issue is resolved
11) Players are to be at their respective matches within 10 minutes of the previous match ending. Failure to show on time will result in disqualification (unless a reasonable explanation is offered otherwise and taken as exception).
12) If both teams are ready to play the match, they can agree to play earlier than expected.

(Please note admins will have discretion with other issues that are not properly specified in the rules below)