SparklingIceTea's Monday Madness

Por SparklingIceTea
1. Sign up on

2. Join the Discord! (official communication with other competitors and tournament organization will happen on the discord)
2.1. Check in from 18:00 - 18:30 CET in the #check-in channel
2.2. Communicate with your opponent in #opponent-search
2.3. Communicate with admins in #tournament-questions or #tournament-chat

3. I (or a tournament admin) will roll a random deck for you to play on the Discord!
3.1. If you don't have a full collection notify me before the tournament so I am prepared to roll more than once for you.

4. Be on time!
4.1. You have 5 minutes after the official go from an admin to start your match.
4.2. If your opponent does not answer you in the #opponent-search channel within 5 minutes you are awarded a game win.
4.3. Ff your opponent does not answer you in the #opponent-search channel within 10 minutes you are awarded the match win.

5. Report your score!
5.1. Report your score in the #score-report channel.
5.2. Take screenshots of your score in the challenge screen. (this is the only way to prove you won in case of a dispute)

6. Follow basic etiquette!
6.1. don’t be racist, sexist, homophobic
6.2. don’t insult your opponents (emotes do NOT count as insults)

7. Add SparklingIceT #EUW in game so I can spectate you for the Stream.
7.1. You are of course allowed to stream the event yourself.

8. Have fun!
8.1. or I will find you