[$15+] Clash Cup #1

Por cfinch
1. Tournament - prerequisite
1.1 Participants in a team
To take part in this tournament, you must have registered a team with at least 5 participants. To start the tournament we need at least 6 checked-in teams.

1.2 No-Cheat-Tolerance
We warmly welcome both external and internal players to our tournament. However, if there is a violation of our no-cheat tolerance, participation in the tournament is not permitted.

1.3 Rules of conduct in the Discord
-Your behavior should be appropriate to your age. Childish and immature behavior is generally not tolerated.
-Everyone has bad days, but nobody should be insulted or flamed.
-Any form of spam is prohibited.
- Offenses in any form are strictly forbidden.
-The instructions of management members must always be followed.
-Recording, playing loud sounds and shouting is prohibited in the Discord

1.4 game client
-The game must be updated to the latest version before the tournament.
-In addition, all programs that are not part of the original game and provide a game advantage are prohibited.

2. Settings
Every player undertakes to adhere to the stated settings.
All games are played with the following settings!

2.1 Playlist settings
Playlist type: Normal mode
Voice chat: Teams
Time of day: day

2.2 Game Settings
Number of bans: 4
Ban time: 20
Number of laps: 12
Attacker / defender role change: 6
Rounds in Overtime: 3
Extension point difference: 2
Role change extension: 1
Target change parameters: 2
Target change type: Rounds played
Unique attacker spawn: One
Pick phase timer: 15
6. Pick phase: On
Timer for 6th pick phase: 15th
Reveal Phase Timer: 5
Damage handicap: 100
Friendly Fire damage: 100
Friendly Fire Reversal: Off
Injured: 20
Sprint: One
Leaning: a
Repeat death: Off

2.3 Game mode TDM: Bomb
Placement period: 7
Defusing duration: 7
Ignition time: 45
Duration of the preparatory phase: 45
Action Phase Duration: 180

2.4 Mappool
Club house
Kafe Dostoyevsky
amusement park

3. Game Play

3.2 Map veto & page selection
The maps are determined by the Map Vote System. (Ban - Pick - Ban to Decider)
The first named team in the bracket gets the first ban.
The team that banned the last map in Bo1 does not get the choice of whether to play as the first attacker or defender.
In Bo3, the team on the 2nd map may choose the side that did not have the choice on the first map and the first team again on the 3rd map.

3.3 Create / join a private match
The first-named team in the bracket has the privilege of creating the lobby. If the team does not have a stable internet connection to host a match, it is possible to give this right to the other team (both teams must agree to this).

The host selects “User Game” → “Create Online”.

The teams add each other to their friends list so that they can invite each other.

If everything has been set correctly and everyone is in the lobby, the game will start.

3.4 Technical problems
Players are responsible for their own technical problems. Matches are not postponed because of such problems and must be played.

3.5 Overtime
In the event of a tie after completing the regular rounds, the set overtime must be played (until a winner is determined).

3.6 Viewers & Streaming
Spectators are not allowed!

The individual streaming of games as well as the uploading of other recorded video, sound or image files from the tournament is allowed.

3.7 Substitution of players
Players may only be changed before the start of the match.
When the game has started (operator selection and spawn points) all 5 players must play until the end of the game.
It is possible to make changes between the cards in a Bo3 / Bo5.
For this it is imperative to inform the tournament management.
All players used must have been registered for the tournament by the team captain before the start of the tournament.

3.8 Match media
All matchmedia files (screenshots) must be labeled as follows:

“Screen_round_team_score” e.g .: “screen_upper1_teamname_16-4”

The team leader is required to take screenshots of the final status of a game.

4. Procedure after the match has ended
4.1 Match result
Please use the official Discord Server to report any problems relating to a match result.

4.2 Playless Victory
If a team is not ready to play 10 minutes after the scheduled game date, they should contact support. This is the fastest way so that your match can be checked and, if necessary, to advance to a round.

5. Fair play
A minimum of fair play is required to ensure that the tournament runs smoothly. Respectful interaction with one another is required.

Comments like “ez”, “l8r” or similar offensive statements are generally prohibited.

If this fair play requirement is disregarded, the tournament management reserves the right to sanction up to and including disqualification of the teams.