Minister of Tourism Paintball Cup 2022

No es un videojuego
Por Kendallz Extreme Sports X Ministry of Tourism x Guyana Tourism Authority
Teams will be placed into groups (eg: group A.B,C,D) and compete against each other in a group stage format for points. The teams with the most points at the end will advance to the next round.
Teams will comprise of 5 players with 1 reserve/alternative member
Game Time: 5 minutes
Game Scoring: Scoring will be based on a 5-Man Center Flag format with a 60 points max scoring scale. Points will be accumulated as follows:

5 points per opponent eliminated for a max of 15 points
5 points per player you have alive at the end of the game for a max of 15 points
20 points for being the first team to capture the flag located in the center of the field and returning to your starting point without being eliminated. Only one team can receive the 20 points
10 points for reaching ( holding but didn't make it back due to elimination) the flag

Game Start: All team members must start with their barrels below their waist. The Ultimate Judge will announce a 5 second warning and after that period of time a horn will sound signifying the start of the game. If any players leave the starting point before the horn sounds, they will have the opportunity to tag up as long as a shot has not been fired. If they are unable to tag up without firing they will be deemed eliminated.

Eliminations: A player will be considered eliminated from the game when they are found to have a mark of paint anywhere on their body that is the size of a quarter or larger. Players will also be considered eliminated if they signify that they are out either visually or verbally whether they have been marked or not or out of ammunition. Eliminated players are to head immediately to their designated dead box and wait for the end of the game. Any eliminated players found communicating with live players will cause any live players within earshot to be removed from the game.

Forfeits: If a team is not ready to play on time they will forfeit the game and receive a
Score of 0 points while their opponent will receive the maximum of 100 points.

Ultimate Judge: The Ultimate Judge will decide any decision which may be deemed arbitrary. Judges may eject players for any behavior that they believe is not conducive to the overall good of the tournament. Major rule violations that are so blatant as to be classified cheating by the reffing staff’s opinion can result in that team forfeiting that game. The refs may eject that player from the next game or the remainder of the tournament. The Ultimate Judge and Tournament Director will decide this off the field.

Protests: Formal protests must be registered immediately following the game to the Ultimate Judge for review. If the Ultimate Judge cannot resolve the issue, the Tournament Director will make the final ruling. Team captains are the only individuals allowed to register a protest.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Players exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct (i.e. cursing, pushing or fighting) will be ejected from the tournament. No second chances and no warnings. Their whole team may also be ejected. An alternate may not replace an ejected player.

Paint Checks: Paint checks are allowed, but must not be used as a tactic to slow game action. Any abuse of the paint check will result in the abuser being eliminated from the game as determined by the ref. When a paint check is called everyone is in play and alive.

Penalties: Unobvious hits (i.e. pack hits) will be considered a minor rule violation and will result in the offending player being removed from the field as well as another team member. This will be referred to as a 1 for 1. Obvious hits will be considered a major rule violation and will result in the offending player being removed from the game as well as 2 other team members. This will be referred to as a 2 for 1. If the team does not have enough players alive at the time to pull a 2 for 1, they will receive a 25 point penalty on that game's scorecard.

Crowd Participation: Sideline coaching from spectators is allowed. There will be a designated area in which spectators are allowed to coach players. If coaching is taking place outside of the designated area, players may be subject to elimination and the violator may be asked to leave the event. Dead players are never allowed to coach from the dead box.


Management reserves the right to make all final decisions which it deems necessary to protect the integrity of the tournament and the host field. Anything not covered in these rules or any interpretation of these rules is the sole discretion of the Tournament Director and is not subject to debate.