DoD Havoc Tier League

DoD Havoc Tier League

HEAVY AMMO: Heavy Ammo is not to be used in any match

SUBCLASS: Only one distinct subclass per team is allowed. Choose your strengths wisely!

IF YOU NEED A SUB - Post a request on the Havoc Arena thread, however only one sub allowed per match per week, and the sub MUST be of an equal tier.

All participants must be an active member of Dads of Destiny X1 Euro, Dads of Destiny X2 Euro or DoD X1 Euro Havoc

SUICIDE: NO jumping off the map or killing yourself intentionally at anytime.

LAGGING OUT: If a teammate lags out legitimately exactly less than half way through the game , then the game must be completely restarted. If it happens twice in a row then the opposing team is allowed to either offer another restart or to disqualify the other team thus automatically advancing the team that did not lag out twice in a row. If someone lags out after halfway through the match then continue playing 2 vs. 3 until the match is over. If a random player joins automatically after a person lags out after half way through the game then stop playing and the team that didn't have anyone lag out gets the win for that game

NO SHOWS: If a full 3 man team is not present at the start of the match, other players may wait for a period of 15 minutes, at which point the match is forfeited to the other team

SPORTMANSHIP: At no point will bad sportmanship be tolerated. Bringing arguments or heavy negativity to other players/teams/forums could result in points deduction or at worst expulsion from the Havoc Arena. We expect players to have fun (albeit sweaty) matches, and return to forums with friendly banter and congratulations all round.