Por FIFA Boiz Inc
Evening boys

Easy Peasy starts 00.00am on the 24th of February to end 12th March 11.59 pm..no extensions

Team: countries

All results should be hash-tagged on the group for banter purposes and on the app too for more banter purposes/record keeping.
Participants are encouraged to record their scores or at minimum crosscheck score recorded by opponents.

Any issues with the app, contact Dumski(DBA).

Cabal members:

Hashtag :#EP


1. Games between opponents shall be two (2) games with the use of ONLY countries, any country!!!!
2. Any player yet to start his games by time the league is 50% shall be disqualified subject to satisfactory reasons submitted to the Cabal.
3. All participants who commence their matches are to finish all their games or at least not less than 80% of their games subject to giving credible reasons for non-completion.
4. After Day 10, players are to privately message themselves to fix appointments.
5. You are allowed to fix appointments up to a maximum of 5 times (in between both parties, not that each party has 5 chances to fix). Please save evidence of the messages and escalate the situation on the group page.
6. Upon the expiration of the maximum time given to fix appointments, the issue shall be taken to the Cabal upon the advice of the LOC for a vote on deciding who the defaulting party is and a decision on ban.
7. The ban will be decided by the Cabal, while length of ban will be voted for by the house.
8. Any other issue not covered here shall be revisited before/during the league.
9. All normal League rules apply. E.g. disconnect, etc