DigitalityX 2016 LoL Qualifier

DigitalityX 2016 League of Legends Qualifier

Online, Stavanger
1. General

a. The Tournament referees are the Game crew. They will have the last word in all situations. The decisions taken by the referees shall be binding upon all players.

b. Your referees for League of Legends at DigitalityX 2016 are:

i. Mohammed Barzinje
ii. Ola Mathiesen
iii. Carlos Sebastian Nuñes
iv. Tommy Haaland
v. Bjarte Osberg (Game Chief)
vi. Dawn Patrick-Brown (E-sports Coordinator)

c. The referees shall have the right to change, add to or delete any rule within this document at any time without notice to the participants. We encourage you to check the rules regularly to ensure that you are following the most up to date rules.

d. By entering the competition, all entrants confirm that they agree to follow the rules, and that they understand that the referees shall have the final word within the competition

2. Tournament format: 5v5

a. Play format to be announced.

b. Match winner - The team that destroys their opponent’s Nexus, or alternatively, the team whose opponents are eliminated due to forfeiture (/ff).

c. Team Make-up - A team must consist of a minimum of 5 players and maximum 7 players (five players and two backup players), and all the players have to be participants of DigitalityX 2016 and be present at the venue at the time of the match (LAN participants). For the online qualifier, teams should ensure that they use the same players as will be present at the LAN event to avoid being accused of using ringers to gain advantage over other teams. Changes in team lineups due to unforseen circumstances (loss of a player, illness, family emergencies, school issues, etc.) will be allowed between the qualifier and the LAN event (proof will be required). Any team member that might play during the tournament must be declared prior to the start of play. After play has begun, no further roster changes will be allowed.

d. All team members must be completely set up (including runes, masteries and equipment) and ready to play at least 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the match.

3. Match settings

a. Game mode: Tournament Draft
b. Players per team: 5
c.Map: Summoner’s Rift
d. Server: EU West
e. Allow Spectators: Lobby Only

4. Communication

a. Every team must have one named captain. The Team Captain will be responsible for all communication between the team and the Game Administrators.

b. Team Captains must be available online (TBA) a minimum of 30 minutes before each announced match time.

c. Where an issue occurs within the team with either equipment or network availability, it will be the responsibility of the Team Captain to make contact with the Game Administrators to inform them of the issue. If the Admins cannot be located online, please report to the Game Desk for assistance.

5. Important rules

a. Picks for regular play

i. The team that gets first pick of champions shall be the one that is top in their bracket or the left team in the match set-up. This is the team responsible for setting up the game and making sure that the opponent’s Captain and the Admins get the game name.

b. Picks for Finals

i. The first team to pick will be A, and the second will be B. Team Captains will be responsible for managing a coin flip between themselves. If the teams cannot agree, the Game Admins will flip a coin for you.
ii. Elimination will be in the sequence ABABAB.

c. Sides will be chosen randomly.

d. Game restarts will only be allowed if Game of Record status has not been reached or if a catastrophic failure of the network occurs. A game of record will be deemed to have begun once an initial attack has been attempted by either team, teams are within sight of each other, a team has either cast a spell or entered into the brush in the enemy jungle, or the game timer reaches 2 minutes.

e. When the match is over, the team Captains from both teams must take a screenshot of the result and post it to the official tournament homepage.

f. If any issues should occur before first blood or the two-minute mark, the game will be remade/replayed. The opposing team and the game administrators must be notified right away and a screenshot must be taken.

g. Every Captain must install and run LoL-replay throughout every game. This will be the official proof on game results and game status.

h. If anything happens with the server or with any equipment that makes it impossible to continue the game, the team Captains must contact the official tournament Admins on IRC right away. If IRC is not available, please contact the Info desk and they will locate your admin for you.

i. Team Captains are expected to read and understand all rules, and inform their players of the rules. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse under any circumstances.

j. Spectators must not communicate with the players. Players caught communicating with any person spectating a game will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

k. You must show good sportsmanship at all times as noted in point 7(e). Aside from obeying basic rules of etiquette, players are expected to adhere to The Summoner’s Code (see for more information).

l. Admins are the law and will have the last say in any issue that may occur.

m. Teams:

i. All of the players that are going to participate must be registered on the official homepage of the tournament.
ii. If any new player is added during the tournament, that player cannot play the next two (2) games.
iii. Every sub-account and nick change must be registered on the tournament’s official homepage if they are going to be used in the tournament.
iv. A player must only play for one team. Players found to be participating in more than one team will incur disqualification for both teams.

n. Games

i. Admins decide when the games will be played. Any team missing players when a game is supposed to start will get a loss by default in the group stage and will be disqualified in the knockout stage.
ii. Every team must meet up 30 minutes before the game is scheduled to start, and the game must be started before or at the start time.
iii. Team captains should connect to the Discord server at least 30 minutes prior to match time.

o. Spectators

i. Non-administrator spectators in-game will not be allowed.
ii. Admins are allowed to spectate.

p. Abuse and exploitation:

i. Bug exploiting: Exploiting known or newly discovered bugs during the game will result in disqualification of the exploiting team.
ii. Players deliberately leaving the game without official permission from an Admin will not be given a time out for their team, and play will continue without them. This rule will not apply for any disconnection caused by system or network faults. It is the Team Captain’s responsibility to ensure that the reason for the disconnection is officially reported to the Game Admin as soon as possible.
iii. Players pausing the game without a good reason will cause their entire team to be disciplined with either an official warning or immediate disqualification.

q. Definition of bugs:

i. Anything that will give one of the teams an unfair advantage.
ii. Anything that makes the game crash or stop

r. Remake:

i. If an Admin says the game should be remade, it will be remade.
ii. If a remake occurs, the game settings will be Blind Pick, and all the players must pick the same champions as were picked before the remake.
iii. If the teams gets the wrong side (Blue/Purple) the game will be remade and the same champions will be picked.
iv. The game will be remade if any if these issues should occur:

(1) The game crashes
(2) The game hangs
(3) Server spikes
(4) Streams go offline
(5) Technical issues
(6) Medical issues

s. Appeal

i. If you believe that a team you played has cheated in order to win a game (or even if they did not win), you must submit proof of this within 1 hour of the end of your match. Game Administrators will examine your case individually and let you know the results.

6. Cheating, Warnings and Disqualifications

a. Warning: After one (1) warning has been given, the game will continue. If a team receives more than one (1) warning during a game, the team will be disqualified from the tournament.

b. Game loss: If a team receives any punishment for an offense (i.e. breaking the Gentlemen’s Rules, cheating) they will get a loss by default, no matter the result of the game.

c. Disqualifications: A team that gets disqualified will be thrown out of the tournament. They will not get to compete in any more tournament games.

d. Purposely Disconnecting - Any player that has disconnected from the client without reconnecting, with the intention to get a remake of the game, will earn his/her team a loss by default.

e. No keybinds or macros allowed. You cannot use the macro keys on any keyboard to execute commands outside the client.

f. No ringers or encouragement of ringing will be permitted. Ringing means playing using another player’s account, asking a player to play for you, forcing them to play for you, or even encouraging someoe to play using someone else's account. If you are caught doing this, you and your team will be eliminated from play, and the person or persons involved will earn themselves a 1 year ban a DigitalityX and may risk having their accounts suspended.

f. Gentleman rules:

i. The DigitalityX crew advises everyone to follow these rules. Breaking of these rules will constitute commission of a minor offense, and will be dealt with accordingly.

(1) Disconnected players must not be attacked.
(2) No typing in All Chat, trash-talking or unnecessary chat.
(3) You must not be involved in any kind of intimidating behaviour, either in or out of the game.
(4) Failure to follow any rule by any single member of a team may be grounds for immediate removal of the entire team from the competition.

7. Warnings and Disqualifications

a. A player may get a warning if he does any of the following:

i. Refusal to follow the instructions of any game administrator.
ii. Arriving late to the game or missing a game.
iii. Using foul language and/or displaying poor behaviour.
iv. Behaving in an unsportsmanlike manner.

b. A player may be disqualified for one of the following:

i. Getting more than a warning.
ii. Any act of intimidation, bullying, or violence (physical or verbal) against participants, observers or game administrators.
iii. Using cheats or other unfair gaming tactics (i.e. interruption of opponent, physical blocking, exploits, cheat codes, etc.).
iv. Misleading a judge, including falsifying documents proving nationality or age.
v. Not being present when a game is due to start.
vi. Exploiting any bugs that clearly alter the game's functionality.
vii. Using or encouraging ringing.

c. A player may receive consequences if they are disqualified, including:

i. Player removed from the tournament
ii. Team removed from play
iii. Team receives a one year ban from playing at DigitalityX
iv. Team is reported for cheating during a tournament to Riot personnel.

DigitalityX administrators may consider other consequences where a situation arises that is more serious than the above.

* Ruleset written by D. Patrick-Brown, B. Osberg, B. Breistøl, M. Barzinje