Monthly Legends of INVITE #1

Monthly Legends of INVITE #1 (,,Empires of the Ascended" Version 1/2)

Por G_able & INVITE Gaming e.V.
- Please join the discord, otherwise you can't participate! (
- This tourney is available for players only in Europe! (Unfortunately there is an error with cross-shard friend challenge:
If Riot solves the problem before the tourney starts we‘ll give an announcement via discord for you!

- Submitting decklists:
- Riot format: You have to submit 3 decks with no duplicated champions, no duplicated region combinations and no more than one deck without any champions at all with this link until March 7th 2 pm:

Tip: If you use this link right here ( and just add the code from your deck to the link you create a decklist link ;)
Here‘s an example:

- Matches:
- First, you contact your opponent via toornament lobby or discord and invite him to a room!
- Then, you ban one deck from your opponent via the site!
- Then you're playing a Bo3 Conquest against your opponent which means:
-> You have to win with both of your decks that aren't banned
-> If you've won with one deck you have to use the other one!
-> If you have 2 wins you've won the whole match!
- Report your match result in the #score-report channel via discord or under ,,report" on toornament! Take screenshots of your results or stream/record the tourney so you can proof it! (Not required but maybe important if your opponent wants stress!)
- If your opponent doesn't show up after 15 minutes you win the first game and if he/she doesn‘t show up after 30 minutes you win the whole match!
-> If that happens, contact a supporter via discord in the #questions channel!
- If you report a wrong result you will be disqualified from the tournament and will be banned from all Legends of INVITE tournaments in the future!
- If your opponent reports a wrong result, contact a supporter via discord in the #questions channel; if you've streamed it or you have token a screenshot of it, we can solve the problem!

- How to use toornament:
- You can find the bracket under ,,Matches" when the tourney has started!
- You can find the link to the decklists from all players here when the tourney has started:
- You can find your next match under ,,Your Matches"
- When you click on that match you can find the riot id and the discord name from your opponent under ,,Player"
- You can report your match results under ,,report" or via discord in the #score-report channel!
- You can chat with your opponent under ,,lobby"