NUB Amateur (Free)~2 vs 2~3/6

Rocket League 2 vs 2

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch
Por EpoK Ltd.
Online, Online
These Rules are subject to change without notification - due to this we recommend the user refers to the rules at repeated occasions to make sure that the user doesn't break any rules.

Rule #1

No bullying - If you experience any form of bullying - message an admin/mod with your problem personally. Everyone is to be treated equally regardless of in-game status or real life.

Rule #2

Anti-Semitism or racism is not allowed - message an admin/mod personally. Everyone is to be treated equally regardless of in-game status or real life.

Rule #3

Any form of NSFW content in public text channels is prohibited - No NSFW content is allowed to be posted to our text channels. This means graphic images or inappropriate text. Inappropriate cursing will be punishable if it is taken too far. Any sign of such content must be deleted and reported. Admins and Mods have the ability to check deleted content for evidence.

Rule #4

Proper behavior must be maintained during official tournaments and ESL matches: A respectful and friendly attitude towards other teams and team members must be kept during a professional match (you may use inappropriate language in the teams voice chat ONLY, meaning nothing in the game chat or before/after a match). Failure to do so will result in removal of the individual from the team.

Rule #5

Childish behavior during professional games will not be tolerated, if this is a repeated offence the individual involved will be removed from the NUB team: While this does include serious ranked match lobbies, any signs of serious throwing or acting like a child isn’t allowed. Lots of players expect to find mature players here that they can form teams with and create effective teams to rank up, if you can’t respect that, you don’t deserve to join such lobbies.

Rule #6

Arguments between NUB members should be taken outside of the NUB server or into a private channel - If such arguments disrupt other players in your lobbies, take it outside where you can’t harm the play of anyone else who is listening. We encourage you to call an admin/mod if necessary to help deal with the issue and hope to find a resolution.

Rule #7

Any form of Admin Abuse or misbehavior of authority must be reported - Admins and mods must keep a professional behavior when dealing with a NUB member’s problem. In addition, moderators and admins are not to abuse their power. If a situation regarding a high ranking individual is to be reported an investigation will follow which may result in the loss of one’s rank.

**Message From Nathex**

If you are a victim of Mod Abuse, please contact me Directly and I will notify the appropriate people, speaking to anyone else might result in improper dealing of your case.

Please contact Nathex#1234 on Discord if needed.