Trackmania Holiday Showdown'20

Trackmania Holiday Showdown'20

Group Stage:
Players are divided into 4 groups of 4 players. The matches are played in round-robin mode. Each match is a 1v1 with the following parameters:
Maps - 2 (unknown)
Point limit - 7 (best of 13)
Warm-ups - 1
The number of won rounds counts towards the final score, draws (e.g., 7-3, 3-7) are allowed. A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 point, a loss awards no points.

In a group players are ranked by their accumulated points. All ties are broken in the following order:
1. Head-to-head match results (wins, draws, losses).
2. Head-to-head round difference (higher is better).
3. Overall round difference (higher is better).
4. Overall number of won rounds (higher is better).
5. A single 1v1 round on a randomly chosen map.

Playoffs are held in a single-elimination bracket. Each match is a 1v1 with the following parameters:
Maps - 3, 5 in Grand Final (maps are unknown)
Point limit - 7 (best of 13)
Warm-ups - 1
The number of won maps determines the match outcome. If the winner is known before all maps are played, the match is stopped and the remaining maps are not played.