Cyclone 1v1 League

Cyclone 1v1 League

Por Rubilesh
Nuke Allowed

Banned Primaries:
『•』Shotguns & LMGs: All
『•』Kilobolt Action (Marksman rifle)

Banned Secondaries:

Banned Attachments
『•』All Scopes on pistols and Snipers (Tactical/ACOG)

Banned Equipment
『•』Cryo Bomb

Banned Perks
『•』Fast Recover
『•』High alert

All Gun Perks are allowed.

Spectators are allowed from outside the lobby, but no spectators in the lobby.(Except mods)

Banned Scorestreaks
『•』ALL Scorestreaks

Banned Operator skills:


1.『 Nuketown 』
2.『 Killhouse 』
3.『 Shipment 』


• Score limit Limit: 30
• Time : 600s

NB: For every rule broken, the offender forfeits the match i.e move to the next match. If broken twice, the offender loses the entire fixture i.e a win is assigned to offender's opponent