Young Gamers Club 2v2 TDM Competition

Game information

Game type: Team Death Match
Win condition: 50 frags or 10 minutes
Matches until Final: Best 2 out of 3 maps (BO3 - best of three)
Final: Best 3 out of 5 maps (BO5 - best of five)

Map list

The mappool consists of the following maps:

Blood Covenant
Blood Run
Corrupted Keep
Ruins of Sarnath
Tempest Shrine
The Molten Falls
Tower of Koth
Vale of Pnath

Map Selection – Higher seed pick and ban first

BO3: Pick (H), Pick (L), Ban (H), Ban (L), Ban (H), Ban (L), Ban (H), Ban (L), Remaining Map
BO5: Pick (H), Pick (L), Ban (H), Ban (L), Pick (H), Pick (L), Pick (H)

Pick (H) - Higher seed picks | Pick (L) - Lower seed picks | Ban (H) - Higher seed bans | Ban (L) - Lower seed bans

Server Determination

All matches will be played on North America servers


All matches will be streamed and hosted by admin.

Duel Disconnections

If a player disconnects and no champion has been eliminated, the round is restarted. The game will be brought to custom game and the remaining rounds will be played out.
If the player who is ahead by 1 Champion or more disconnects, that round is replayed. The game will be brought to custom game and the remaining rounds will be played out.
If the player who is behind by 1 Champion or more disconnects, that player loses the round. The game will be brought to custom game and the remaining rounds will be played out.
At no time can Champion Picks be changed in the event a match is restarted.

Delays & Forfeits

Players must be online and ready to play at the designated match start time. “Ready to play” means that the player must be present and ready to begin the game within 15 minutes after the official match time. If a participant is not ready to play 15 minutes after the scheduled match time, please submit a protest ticket. This is the fastest way to get your match checked to move on to the next round. In case the bracket is already behind the schedule the 15 minutes counter starts as soon as the match is available. If you're unable to join a lobby due to technical difficulties with the game, please notify the opposing player immediately and inform him that you are attempting to connect.

Match Result

Admin will be on server to report match