CCE Hero Cup

CCE Hero Cup - AoV - Florentino

Por Crowd Control Esports
Please note CCE & Crowd Control Esports have been used interchangeably in this document.

NOTE: You can ask questions and discuss about tournament on the "tournament-discussion" channel in general section on the discord server.

- The Hero Cup starts on 20th June, 2020 at 11 AM (IST) .
- A day before the tournament starts, i.e. 19/06/2020 at 6 PM IST the check in system starts. If you do not check-in on the site by 9 PM on 19th June, 2020, you will be removed from the tournament. Players to click the CHECK-IN button on the website to check-in.


a) Number of matches:
All matches except the final will be a knockout. In the finals, players will get a chance to go head to head in a Best of 3!

b) The game mode used in:
Custom Match - Tournament Mode

c) The game is created by the organizers who will be referred to as the host. Lobby Ids will be shared with respective teams over discord.
The host will contact the players and share the lobby ID in the ladder at "tournament-discussion" channel.

d) If any player lags or disconnects during a match, they can request a Tournament Official to pause the game for the player to reconnect. Once all players are ready, as indicated by both Players, the Tournament Official will resume the game.

e) The organizer has the right to apply penalties, disqualify and dismiss any registered player from the tournament at their discretion, at any stage of the tournament, for any reason, with no prior warning to the players.

Section -2 - HERO CUP Rules -

2. Players cannot wander outside of Mid-Lane Pathing with the exception of the side bushes in the mid lane.
3. After the timer hits 3 Minutes, players cannot return to base.
4. Players cannot jungle or use Jungle pathing.
5. The game ends when a player either -
5.1 - Gets First Blood
5.2 - Gets the opponents First Tower
5.3 - There is a cap of 10 Minutes to the game. If there is no result at the end of 10 minutes, the player with the higher gold will be declared the winner.

Section - 3 - General Rules -
This consists of in-game rules and regulations. This article will also serve as a point of reference for any situation that may arise in-game.
a) A lobby will be created for the match 10 mins prior to the decided match time and members are responsible to get the lobby ID from discord / WhatsApp and connect to the lobby in the stipulated time. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
b) Only the players that were registered during the registration process will be eligible to partake in the match-ups
c) All the registered players are expected to be present in the lobby 5 minutes before the decided match time,
d) A player who is present in the lobby by the decided match time will be considered victor if the opponent fails to show up on time.
e) In case both the facing players fail to show up in the match lobby by decided time, an additional 3 minutes of buffer time will be provided to both the players
f)If a lag issues arises from the very beginning of the match, the hosts should be informed within two minutes of the match through in-game chat / whatsapp / discord so that measures can be taken,
g) If both the players face severe lag the entire game will be restarted, however, all the players must pick the same hero that was chosen previously
i) The players will be solely responsible for any types of disconnection or glitches that may arise during the game play, while we will work with players in case proof is submitted to try and fix the issues, but this is solely at the discretion of the organizers.
j) All the players are expected to be humble and use polite language during the matches. Repercussions shall be taken if any player is found to offend any other player, volunteer or organizer with their behavior in any form or manner.
k) The games are to be hosted and spectated only by the people verified by the organizing team / organizers / volunteers.
l) If any new issue arises during a match, the organizers will not be held accountable for it.

Please Note - We support fair play and sportsman spirit. Anyone found cheating, flaming, trolling, abusing (team mates, opponents, or admins / mods) will be instantly eliminated along with the entire team - no questions asked. Please report such incidents immediately to the admins and the matter will be reviewed. Such incidents can be reported upto 30 mins after the match, post which it will not be considered.

*Cheating doesn't need to be successful to qualify as a violation. Conspiring to cheat is already a violation and will lead to an automatic disqualification for all conspirators.
Examples of cheating include, but aren't limited to:
a.) Ghosting
b.) Account Sharing
c.) Piloting
d.) Map Hacks
e.) Scripts

*Administrators of the Tournament reserve the right to make changes to the regulations. Users are obliged to check its regulations before starting each tournament. The people responsible for the games are also the highest dispute resolution authority in which the following regulations or any law do not give precise answers.

CCE Rights -
CCE Officials may overrule any of the rules mentioned above based on the situation on a case by case basis, at their discretion. CCE Officials’ decision is final after the appeal process.