Warhammer 40K 9th Launch Event

Pro Tabletop Warhammer 40K 9th Launch Event

Por Professional Tabletop
The format of the event will place 16 players in double elimination groups. If you make it out of your group then you will advance to the single elimination championship bracket.

The event will be 2000 point ITC format event. The rounds will play the following missions.
WBR1: ITC Mission 6
WBR2: ITC Mission 5
WBR3: ITC Mission 4
WBR4: ITC Mission 3
WBR5: ITC Mission 1
LBR1: ITC Mission 5
LBR2: ITC Mission 4
LBR3: ITC Mission 3
LBR4 ITC Mission 2
LBR5: ITC Mission 1
LBR6: ITC Mission 6

Each round will not have a specified start date but they will have a specified finish date. This will allow the tournament to progress faster. Below are the dates each round must be completed by.

Group Brackets
WBR1: June 9th
WBR2: June 16th
WBR3: June 23rd
WBR4: June 30th
WBR5: July 14th
LBR1: June 16th
LBR2: June 23rd
LBR3: June 30th
LBR4 July 7th
LBR5: July 7th
LBR6: July 14th

Championship Bracket
WBR1: July 21st
WBR2: July 28th
WBR3: Aug 4th
Finals: TBD For Stream

We will be picking 2 games to stream each week so please be responsive as we try to schedule a game for the stream slots.

The terrain used will be the following:
Hammer & Anvil/ Search and Destroy/ Spearhead

Dawn of War/ Vanguard/ Frontline