BNS_3 Musketeers

Por Bangladesh Naval Stronghold (BNS)
Online, Asia Server
 Ship Tier: X
 Ship type:
-BB, Cruser & DD
• Battleship -(Maximum 01)
• Aircraft Carrier-(Not Allowed)

 Map:
a. Big Race
(Mode: updated Epicenter)_Final
b. Archipelago
(Mode: domination)
c. Ring
(Mode: domination)
d. Strait
(Mode: domination)
e. Ocean
(Mode: Domination)_for tie breaker match only

 Number members per Teams: 4 players (Note: Number of team member depends on participation)
 Time Duration: 20 minutes per battle

• Only BB, CA, CL and DD are allowed.
• No carrier gameplay allowed in this tournament.
• Any type of reset to matches must be done within 1st minute of game play.
• All battles will be conducted within the supervision of referee. Check-in time should be 30 min before match start time. Failing to checking on time will result forfeit
• Battle will be started on time with no delay
• Any team failing to report on time will lose points and points will be awarded to other team.
• Both teams failing to report on time will result in match abandoned.
• In special cases at least 3 players need to report for a match to be played.
• Maps per battle will be randomized before match starts.

Team Leader & Team member
There are 3 teams will be fighting for the championship in which Team Leaders are pre-selected. (If necessary then additional teams might be introduced considering total number of registered players. Team leader for additional teams will be selected upon discussion).

Team members will not be selected by team leaders. Team members will be selected upon random listing event by the organizers. The purpose for randomizing is to ensure that every team is balanced and contains

Team Leaders have to choose Team Name to identify their team

• 1st prize : 1000 doubloons per player
• 2nd Prize: 500 doubloons per player
• Max Damage get 500 doubloons
• Max fragments get 500 doubloons
[Note: Prize may change depends on participation of Players]

Entry Fee
• 100 taka