Toxic_HoneyBadger Fortnite Open Qualifier

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch, Móvil
Por TSaxman25
Online, NA East
General Rules:
- Please have at least one member stream the tournament on a streaming platform (Mainly Twitch and YouTube, but I will allow Mixer as well)

- Don't take the games overly serious, we're all here to have a fun time and make a friendly competition out of this.

Bracket Play:
- The hosting team will host a SQUAD game session. Then they will invite their teammate, and their opponents to the game session and then begin their match.

- The team that chooses who hosts game 1 is the opponent with the higher seed. If you are on NAE servers and your opponents are on NAW, you change servers based on what the higher seeded duo chooses.

How To Win/Gameplay:
- For this tournament it will be a best of 3 matches played. Each game you must keep track of your kills for each game played. The combined amount of kills for each game will determine which team will win the match.

- **NEW** If you revive an opposing player, it counts as a point. It helps the team make it to end game, so if you revive an opposing player, remember it, because it can be the difference of winning or losing a match. This goes for picking up a knocked opponent, or rebooting an opponent before their actual teammate does.

Ex: If team 1 gets 9 kills and team 2 gets 10 kills, team 2 wins game 1. If team 2 gets more kills again in the second game, team 2 wins the match. If team 1 gets more kills than team 2 in game 2, they force a game 3, with the most kills wins the match. If any ties occur, a replay of that game will take place.

- You will party up as a SQUAD with your opponent. Any player inside of that queued session MAY NOT destroy any bases made by their opponent, make them fall, or any other actions that may help lead to that person's death.

Examples of sabotage include but are not limited to:
- Breaking or weakening opponent's built or non built structures or cover by any means.

- Causing opponents to miss shots or miss opportunities for advancing their scores in any way shape or form.

- Building in front of your opponent.

- Boogie Bombing your opponent.

- The use of a boogie bomb on your opponent at any point in the game are subject to disqualifications.

- Not allowing the opposing player to revive your teammate

Match Issues:
- For no-shows in this tournament if you fail to respond within a fair given time frame you may be forfeited from the tournament.

- To report another team for a no show for the match you will need to contact Toxic_HoneyBadger or TSaxman25 so they can handle it accordingly.

- All forfeits will be handled and made by the judgement of the @Toxic_HoneyBadger and @TSaxman25

- Any score issues, with any member lying of kill count, will be disputed by TSaxman25, he will go into your stream and you will show him exactly what he needs to see in order to make a fair, and effective ruling. Any concerns of a "lost kill" will go through the same process. Be sure to contact TSaxaman25 right away to fit in the ruling.