Mobile Legends Online PH 4.0

ML Online PH Season 4.0

Por Plug 'N Play (Tournament In Experience)
Online, Luzon Visayas Mindanao, Philippines
***Player Requirement***

Players are not allowed to join more than 1 team.

The player must be available for all League-related activities they are involved in, including, but not limited to, match days and media appearances.

The act of registering for this League implies full acceptance of all terms, conditions, rules and regulations stated, in its entirety.

***Team Requirement***

A team must consist of the following members:

1 manager (Optional)

1 Substitute player (Optional)

5 main player (Necessary)

Team ownership is determined by 51% of the team members during registration.

Teams are prohibited to replace any of the registered players (including the reserved player) during non-Roster Shuffle period.

Team Names, Team Tags, and Player Names

Teams will be permitted 1 tag for Team Names (consisting of 4 characters) in front of each player’s Hero Name (IGN) throughout the League. These tags must be upper-case, lower-case letters or numbers 0-9 only.

Names may include upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers 0-9, underscores, or single spaces between words only.

Player Names must not exceed 2-8 characters including spaces. (From the second season. All teams entering the MLAM Regular Season need to abide by this rule because this length can get the best display in Livestream) If special characters are used, the Organiser reserves the right to simplify them for use during the League.

Player Names and Team Names may not contain vulgarities or obscenities; MLBB hero derivatives or other similar character names; or derivatives of products or services that may create confusion.

All Team Tags, Team Names, and Player Names must be approved by League Official in advance of use in play. Name changes are not allowed except under certain extenuating circumstances but must be approved by League Officials prior to being used in League game.

All teams will be given a chance to modify if they get a sponsor during the player shuffle period. League Officials have the ability to deny a team name if it does not reflect the professional standards bought by the Organizer and the team will be required to change their name.

***League Schedules and Rules***

Teams must check-in 30 minutes before the team's scheduled match starts.

League brackets will be posted in the team brief. League brackets structure might change up to the last minute of registration.

Teams are expected to be in the game stage and in-game lobby at the designated time. Maximum 10 minutes waiting time.

If any team is not ready during the designated time, their opponent can take a default win by contacting an admin and having him check the lobby.

If both teams agree, they can delay for a maximum of 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, whoever has the most players in their team will take a default win and must report to an admin and having him check the lobby.

In order to keep the League on schedule, teams may not wait more than 10 minutes, or both teams may get disqualified.

Teams may not remake after the 1st creep wave has spawned.

All results must be reported to the respective admins right after the match within 30 minutes.

***In-Game Rules***

The mobile application to be used is Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (Developer: Moonton)

The game mode used in the Regular Season & Playoffs: Tournament Mode.

The first team to destroy the opposing team’s Base wins.
If any player disconnects during a match, they can request a League Official to pause the game for the player to reconnect. Once all players are ready, as indicated by both Team Captains, the League Official will resume the game.

In the case of a server crash, the game can be continued from a new draft but has to be the same line-up.

Extreme Technical Difficulties

In the event of a technical difficulty which leads the League Officials to declare a restart, the Organiser may instead award a game victory to a team. If a game has been played for more than 5 minutes on the game clock (00:05:00), League Officials, at their sole discretion, may determine that a team cannot avoid defeat to a degree of reasonable certainty.

The following criteria may be used in the determination of reasonable certainty:

The teams total net worth differences must exceed 800 x minute of the game. For example, 20 minutes into the game, Team A holds a net worth of 20,000 while Team B’s net worth at 38,000. The difference in net worth is 18,000. 800 x 20 minute = 16,000. The difference in the net worth of 18,000 is greater than 16,000, hence Team B is deemed victory.

In the situation where the difference in net worth is less than 800 x minute, the game has to be remade.

Forbidden acts and behavior

Creating/Exploiting Bugs: Creating or exploiting any in-game bug to achieve victory.

Account Sharing: Using another player’s account in the contest; or instigating, working together or guiding another person to use another competitor’s account to enter the game.

Screen Spying: Looking at or trying to look at the non-game screen.

Deliberate Disconnection: Deliberately disconnecting for improper or unclear reasons.

Cheating: Using any kind of device or program to cheat, or using any resembling means to cheat. (Eg: Devices or gestures to signal etc.)

Other: Any other act, conduct or behavior that violates the rules and integrity standards that have been laid down.

Profane and Hostile Speech: Team members shall not use obscene, offensive, vulgar, rude, threatening, abusive, libelous or defamatory language to attack or offend others; they shall also not use incendiary, inciting or discriminatory language in the game zone, during the contest, on social media, or in any public area nearby (Eg: during live-steams or interviews).

Interference/Impolite Behavior: Team members shall not make any indecent, impolite or insulting actions or gestures towards other team members, fans or official staff.

Broadcast Interference: No team member shall touch or use other methods to interfere with the lighting, cameras or other broadcasting devices. Team members shall not stand on the chairs, tables or other items used in the broadcasting. Team members must follow the instructions given by all MPL personnel.

Insulting Behavior: It is forbidden to insult MPL officials, other team members or audience members. Team members and special guests (if present) must be polite to all individuals participating in the contest.

Unauthorized Communication: All cell phones, tablets and other voice-message enabled devices must be removed from the contest zone before the contest begins. Competitors shall not send messages or emails or use social media when in the contest area. During the contest, starting competitors may only communicate with other members of their team.

Banned Substances: Competitors and coaches are forbidden from taking any banned substances including but not limited to stimulants, sedatives or inhibitory drugs. Staff is obliged to report any individual or team who violates this rule to the Organizing Committee.

Competitor Clothing: Competitors shall wear their official team uniforms during the whole MPL contest period, and pre-/post-contest interviews conducted by MPL. All starting team members must wear their uniforms throughout the contest. All jackets and other clothing is worn during the contest are subject to checks and rulings by MPL official staff. MPL officials reserve the right of final interpretation on team clothing.

Identity: Competitors may not cover their faces or attempt to take any action to conceal their identity from MLAM officials. Face masks and hats may not be worn. In the event of special circumstances, please inform the organizers in advance to obtain permission.

Improper Behavior: Team members shall not take part in any behavior the MPL deems to be immoral, shameful or counters to traditional social norms.

Illegal Behavior: Team members shall not violate any laws, rules or public security regulations.

Confidentiality: Team members shall not use any method of communication including any social media channel to reveal any confidential information provided by MPL, the organizing company, or affiliated organizations.

Gifts: No team member shall accept gifts, cash gifts, or remuneration in exchange for promises or demands related to the contest with the objective of defeating or attempting to defeat other teams or to abandon the contest.

The only exception to this rule is the appearance fee paid by the team’s official sponsor(s) and the owner(s) to team members.

Bribes: No team member shall provide gifts or cash to any team member, coach, manager, or referee.