CGL Halo 2v2 (HCS Variant)

CGL Halo 2v2 (HCS Variant)

Xbox One
Por Carolina Gaming League
Rules & Regulations: (HCS Ruleset & Gamemodes) ---------------------------------------
Gametype #1: 2v2 HTS (HCS) [*SET TIME TO 15:00 & SCORE LIMIT TO 25]
Gametype #2: Hardcore Ball (HCS) [*SET TIME TO 10:00 & SCORE LIMIT TO 150]
*Gametype Veto: If both teams to agree to veto the Oddball gametype, the substitute gametype is Hardcore Team Slayer (HCS)

All Games***************
Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle
Grenades: Frag x2
Shield Recharge Rate: 90%
Damage Modifier: 110%
Player Speed: 110%
Motion Tracker Mode: Off
Suicide Penalty: None
Betrayal Penalty: None
Team Changing: Not Allowed

MLG Ball 8****************************************
Score to Win = 150
Ball Carrier Traits,
Damage Modifier = 50%
Time Limit = 10 Minutes

MLG TS 8*****************************************
Score to Win = 25
Time Limit = 15 Minutes
Custom Powerup Traits, Duration = 3 Seconds
Custom Powerup Traits, Damage Resistance = Invulnerable
Custom Powerup Traits, Shield Multiplier = 3X Overshields
Custom Powerup Traits, Shield Recharge Rate = 200% (Faster)
Custom Powerup Traits

***We will be using the MLG v8's map variants for this tournament***

Host -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G1: Higher seed
G2: Lower seed
G3: Higher seed

G1: Higher seed
G2: Lower seed
G3: Higher seed
G4: Lower seed
G5: Higher seed

Party Privacy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is the responsibility of the team hosting a game to make sure the party is set to invite only.
If players join your match and you are the hosting team, you will be penalized. The penalties are as follows:

First Offense: Warning by CGL admin
Second Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the map
Third Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the series

Delays ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There will be absolutely NO delaying of the tournament. You have 15 mins from the time the tournament starts to start your game in the series. If your team is not prepared by 20 mins to play, at this time, your team will be penalized ZERO EXCEPTIONS
If your team or your opponent's team are penalized for delaying, it will be as follows:
10 mins forfeit game 1
15 mins forfeit game 2
25 mins forfeit the series
If you plan on calling out another team for not being ready, you will need to provide a screenshot of your xbl message to them. And a screenshot of the lobby showing they haven't joined with the time

Veto(s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If either participant chose to veto a vetoable gametype (denoted by an "*" under the "Map Rotation" section) then that gamemode must be vetoed and replaced by the gametype "Team Slayer" for this event.

Connection Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If a player lags out during the first 30 seconds or before the first kill the map should be ended and restarted.
If a player lags out after the first 30 seconds or the first kill the map will continue and the player who dropped may rejoin the game.
If the other team can prove that the host is unplayable, it will be up to the CGL admin overseeing the event to make a decision to play it or switch hosts.

Restarts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For all game modes, the hosting team is responsible for starting the games with the correct setting(s). If the game is started with incorrect settings, or the map isn't correct, the hosting team will be penalized.
Those penalties are as follows:
First Offense: Warning by CGL admin
Second Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the map
Third Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the series

Cheating ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All accusations of cheating or violation of any of the listed rules require proof for Support Staff to enforce any penalties and to make the best-informed decision. The burden of proof is on the accusing party. We highly suggest that as many players as possible take pictures and/or videos of their matches. If no proof can be provided of a cheating accusation, the results of the match will stand.

An example of cheating is abusing addressed illegal spots that are mentioned in the HCS & MLG v8 ruleset. Video and/or photo proof is required.

Map Rotation & Gametypes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WRound 1: (Round of 8) - Repeat for LR2
G1: The Pit | Team Slayer
G2: Heretic | *Oddball
G3: Narrows | Team Slayer

Losers Round 1:
G1: Construct | Team Slayer
G2: Narrows | *Oddball
G3: The Pit |Team Slayer

WRound 2: (Round of 16) - Repeat for LR4
G1: Construct | Team Slayer
G2: Heretic | *Oddball
G3: The Pit | Team Slayer

Losers Round 3:
G1: Narrows | Team Slayer
G2: Heretic | *Oddball
G3: Guardian |Team Slayer

Round 3: (Quarter Finals - Top 8) - Repeat for LR6
G1: Narrows | Team Slayer
G2: Guardian | *Oddball
G3: Construct | Team Slayer

Losers Round 5:
G1: Heretic | Team Slayer
G2: The Pit | *Oddball
G3: Construct |Team Slayer

Round 4: (Semi Finals - Top 4) - Repeat for LR8
G1: Heretic | Team Slayer
G2: Guardian | *Oddball
G3: The Pit | Team Slayer

Losers Round 7:
G1: Guardian | Team Slayer
G2: Heretic | *Oddball
G3: Narrows |Team Slayer

Round 5: (Winners Finals - Top 2)
G1: Construct | Team Slayer
G2: Heretic | Oddball
G3: Narrows | Team Slayer

Round 6: (Grand Finals)
G1: Narrows | Team Slayer
G3: Construct | Team Slayer
G4: Guardian | *Oddball
G5: The Pit | Team Slayer


CGL Event Policy:

The Carolina Gaming League reserves the right to re-scale tournament sizes in the event registration requirements are not met. Carolina Gaming League reserves the right to disqualify, suspend, and/or ban, any member, or team, from competing on our platform due to, but not limited to, the following: 1) Cheating & Tampering, 2) Tampered Match Reporting, 3) Use of in-game glitches and/or wrong ruleset than specified by the Carolina Gaming League, 4) Throwing matches in favor of event opponents, 5) Soliciting event results against your opponent, and 6) Use of illegal equipment such as, but not limited to, a) modded controllers, b) modified consoles, and c) cheating software. Carolina Gaming League reserves the right to re-schedule tournaments via our rescheduling policy. Carolina Gaming League reserves the right to withhold refunds that are not within our refund policy.

Using Toornaments integrated match reporting system, participants can login to their account after a match has concluded and report the results for that matchup. Winning teams should report matches accurately and correctly. If you fail to do so, you are subject to disqualification by the Carolina Gaming League for that event. In the event a team wrongly reports match results, especially without provided match evidence, the team will be suspended from the event and subject to banishment from the CGL.

When reporting matches, teams will have to provide evidence of match victory. If evidence is not provided, or if your opponent fails to communicate a loss, this will result in a "dispute." Disputes are not taken lightly and will likely result in punishment if the Carolina Gaming League admins suspect foul play. Disputes will be settled on a case-to-case basis!

By registering for any Carolina Gaming League event on Toornament, you are subject to the policy above.

Re-Scheduling Policy:

All Carolina Gaming League events are subject to being rescheduled due to the following: A) Event organizer has an emergency, B) Participants collectively agree to reschedule a match and/or event, C) Event registration is not met, D) Participant has an emergency (ONLY applies to league events ran by the Carolina Gaming League).

Refund Policy:

Carolina Gaming reserves the right to withhold refunds for circumstances that do not fall into the following categories: A) Event was rescheduled, B) Entity withdraws from event 7 days prior to the events scheduled running, C) Event was not held, and D) Event was cancelled by the Carolina Gaming League.