SDGL Bragging Rights

1. Format
2.defuse explained
3. Warm-up / Pre-Game
4. Map Pool
5. Map Restrictions
6. Connection Issues
7. Client Configurations and settings
8. Forbidden Scripts or Exploits or 3rd Party Apps
9. Bug Use
10. Vehicles
11. Fair Play Rule
12. Perks/Unlock/Gadgets/Weapon Restrictions
13. Overtime

Game Specific Rules
1. Format
1.1. Structure
Any teams found to be ‘mutually agreeing’ to a loss; or starting a match and forfeiting exceptionally early will be penalised, and may be disqualified from the cup.
Matches consist of three maps (best of three). That means that two maps must be played with a third map being used as a tie breaker. No overall draws are possible. In the case that a match ends in a draw teams must play overtime (Check the Overtime rule below!).
A map consists of two halves (rounds). A map is won by the team who has destroyed the highest amount of MCOM’s over both halves (rounds) of the map. (This means you add the total amount of destroyed MCOM's for both rounds, the team that has the highest number after adding these amounts is the winner of the map)
To decide which map is played, teams will eliminate maps (see elimination rules below)
At the end of each round, the team manager will take a screenshot showing the scores and team line-ups. Once the match is completed the managers must post the score (2-0, 2-1) in their match thread.
If a team makes a line-up change, both team teams must take a new screenshot showing the line-ups.
Factions: Default (no altering factions is allowed)
Format breakdown:
Match format: Best of Three (BO3 – First team to win 2 out of the 3 matches wins)
Average Match Length: 1h 30min to 3h
Game mode:Defuse
Fielded players: 5vs5
Players per team: 5
Reserves per team: Recommended 1 to 3
Roster Locks: OFF
2. Defuse. Defuse is an objective/deathmatch multiplayer game mode in Battlefield 4. It is designed for 10 players on all platforms. Two teams must defend their objective while trying to destroy their opponent's by arming and detonating an explosive charge.
3. Warm-up / Pre-Game
​You may not kill an enemy player during warm-up. This rule comes with the following conditions:
Teams may agree beforehand that this rule does not apply:
If Teams agree that the rule does not apply to the match they must,
1) Announce in the public chat that the warm-up kill rule is not in play, and..
2) Both captains must agree in the public chat, and..
3) A screenshot must be taken showing both steps 1 and 2
If Teams disagree that the rule does not apply to the match AND/OR Teams do not discuss the use of the rule then the following penalties will be implemented if a kill is made during the warm-up round:
First Offense - First and final warning
Second Offense - Forfeiture of the map
Third Offense - Forfeiture of the match (1 Match = 3 maps)
Teams must provide screenshot evidence of kills that are made in the warm-up round.
The map elimination is to be performed with the defibrillator (assault class). One person from each team is to face off against each other. The winner gets to select who eliminates first.
Defibrillator round examples:
Example A - Defib winner decides to eliminate first
Defib Winner eliminates a map
Defib Loser eliminates a map
Defib Winner eliminates a map
Defib Loser eliminates a map
Defib Winner selects 3rd Map
Defib Loser picks which map will be played 2nd
The Final map not eliminated will be played first
Defib Loser picks which side to start as on the 1st map
For each subsequent map teams must swap which side to start as (Side A on map 1, means Side B on map 2).
Example B - Defib winner decides to eliminate second
Defib Loser eliminates a map
Defib Winner eliminates a map
Defib Loser eliminates a map
Defib Winner eliminates a map
Defib Loser selects 3rd Map
Defib Winner picks which map will be played 2nd
The Final map not eliminated will be played first
Defib Winner picks which side to start as on the 1st map
For each subsequent map teams must swap which side to start as (Side A on map 1, means Side B on map 2).
4. Map Pool
Siege of Shangai
Paracel Storm
Operation Locker
Zavod 311
Golmud Railway
Hainan Resort
5. Map Restrictions
Certain areas on some Maps are restricted and are not allowed to be accessd. Use of the following restricted areas will result in the loss of that map (you must be able to provide screenshot/video evidence of this happening).
Siege of Shanghai, Zavod 311
Roofs forbidden. Use of this will result in a forfeit of the map if proof is provided by the opposing team.
Siege of Shanghai
The roof on the US Side is not allowed to be entered at all through the destroying of trees next to it. Destroying the trees is allowed but do not enter the roofs then.
The roof (canopy) of the building near the B-MCOM of the US-Side is not allowed to be entered at all through the destroying of trees next to it. Destroying the trees is allowed but do not enter the roofs then.
6. Connection Issues
Connection Issues
Any team or player who intentionally disconnects from a game before the game is over will forfeit the map currently being played.
If a player disconnects during a live round, gameplay will continue. It is the players responsibility to rejoin as soon as possible. The match will continue as though it is live. Latency May not Exceed 200
In the event of a server crash, the round is replayed on a new server.
Official reserves may be brought in to replace a player who has disconnected. The team managers must take a screenshot of the new line-up to show the latest line-up changes.
7. Client Configurations and settings
Bragging Rights will not be providing a standard configuration file.
Players may not edit the game files.
The only settings that are allowed to be changed are those which are changeable in-game. These settings must be within the in-game allowed limits.
You may edit the configuration file to change your mouse sensitivity.
8. Forbidden Scripts or Exploits or 3rd Party Apps
No scripts of any sort are allowed.
No bind scripts (bind with more than one function) are allowed.
No binds may execute files or configs.
The “wait” or “VSTR” commands may not be used at all.
No software, hardware or drivers may be used to run a script or automate any function or macro.
Looking through objects (walls, window frames and so on) is not allowed.
The use of 3rd party FPS limiting applications is strictly forbidden.
The use of 3rd party software is strictly forbidden.
No third party (such as graphic driver) graphic settings may be changed which could give a player an unfair advantage. Settings which influence the transparency of smoke are strictly not allowed.
Third-Party software that change your graphics settings beyond their standard capabilities are not allowed. An example of such illegal software is the nVidiaInspector and SweetFX.
9. Bug Use
Any sort of bug use is not allowed. Unknown bugs are forbidden until they are listed in the rules to be allowed. If a player is found glitching or using a bugged area then the players team will forfeit that map.
10. Vehicles
No Vehicles are allowed and server settings should be settings disabling them.
11. Fair Play Rule
The players are expected to play by their full capacity at all times. Losing on purpose won’t be tolerated and will result in a disqualification. This is up to the Head Admin to decide. This is a professional tournament and all players are expected to act like such.
12. Perks/Unlock/Gadgets/Weapon Restrictions
12.1 - Only the following Weapons can be used (ONLY THE WEAPONS LISTED BELOW ARE ALLOWED):
12.1.1 - Assault Rifles: (all non invr sights are allowed)
ACE 23
12.1.2 - Carbines: (all non invr sights are allowed)
12.1.3 - Sniper rifles: (all non invr sights are allowed)
Scout Elite
12.1.4 - Pistols: G18 is Allowed
All other non-DLC pistols can be used
All DLC pistols are banned.
12.1.5 - Grenades:
M18 Smoke
Hand Flare
M84 Flashbang
12.2 - The following Perks/Unlocks/Gadgets/Weapons are banned and can not be used (All perks/unlocks/gadgets/Weapons not listed below may be used):
M320 except smoke
Battle Pickups
Spawn beacon
V40 mini grenade
RGO Impact grenade
ALL DLC gadgets
ALL DLC attachments
PDW is banned.
MBTLAW is banned
All Shotguns including the Shorty
12.4 - If your opponent has used any banned Perks/Unlock/Weapon in the match, take a screenshot of the kill message, showing your enemy using it. Your Team captain must then submit a ticket to lay a dispute claim.
12.3.1 - Penalty: A team who uses a banned item will lose the map(s) it is used on.
13. Overtime
If a map ends in a draw (Playing two rounds without a definitive winner) an Overtime on the same map is mandatory. Opening a protest afterwards complaining about the overtime is unsportsmanlike behavior and will be punished as such.
Server settings that need to be changed for overtime: