UK - Online Qualifier #3

Red Bull Player One 2019 - United Kingdom Online Qualifier #3


Participants must not participate in the current LCS, LEC, LCK or LPL or any other professional leagues.
You're at least 16 years old
You're only allowed to participate in one country's qualifier
You have to hold valid travel documents

Match Format
Game mode: 1v1, Blind Pick, Bo3
Map: Summoner's Rift
Players are not allowed to kill minions which belong to lanes other than the mid lane, nor creeps which belong in the jungle.
Side choice: The first player mentioned on the match (page) gets to choose the side for game 1 and game 3. The player mentioned second on the match (page) gets to choose the side for game 2.

Both participants have to write three bans in the lobby before each game. The second player mentioned on the match (page) gets to ban first and the bans then alternate between players until both players have banned three characters each.

Winning conditions
Eliminate your opponent
OR Reach 100 creep score
OR Destroy opponent's tower