Planetside Infantry League

Planetside Infantry League

Event Format and Rules

Dates and Timings:
This tournament will be on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weekends of April (starting Friday the 12th, Friday the 19th, and Friday the 26th).
Rosters must be submitted before the 30th of March. Roster changes will be locked on the 30th of March at midnight, If a team is short and needs roster addition during a weekend, it can be discussed with the organizers.
Sign ups will close on 22th of March at 23:59 UTC
Times are as follows; all matches will be played within the following times:
Friday: 18:00-23:00 UTC
Saturday: 16:00-23:00 UTC
Sunday: 15:00-20:00 UTC

All players need to be on PIL TS ( during their match. Matches will consist of two 15 minute halves with a 5 minute half-time. Teams may substitute players at this time but need to inform the referee. During the half-time, teams will swap Sunderer placements.
The winner of the match will be determined by the cumulative score of both halves. In the event of a tie, an additional round will be played until a winner is decided. The additional round will last 15 minutes.
Prior to the match starting, a coin flip will take place to determine the starting Sunderer sides. The lower seeded team will call the flip, and the winner will choose their starting side. The base will start as owned by the team that wins the flip, at the 50% mark.
A faction preference, provide to the organizers before matches begin, will determine factions (VS>TR>NC, for example). If two teams have identical preferences, a coin flip will occur to determine who plays what faction. The winner of the flip will choose their faction first.
The map will be chosen after a ban phase, with teams alternating bans. Each team has two bans. After the bans, a randomizer will determine the base between the two remaining bases.
If multiple matches are scheduled for the same time, map selection will be on a first come first serve basis. Once a match is selected that map will be removed from the pool for other matches scheduled at the same time.
If there are two matches at the same time the second match will be two bans for each side, then one remaining map will be selected.
If there are three matches at the same time the third match will get one ban per team with a randomized third match.
The final will be Best-of-3, the format ban-ban-pick-pick-randomizer will be used to choose the maps.

The teams are required to submit a roster of players to the organizers by the 30th of March. Rosters must consist of a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 players. When submitting their roster, each team rep must assign every player to an account. Each team will be given as many PSB accounts as they need (maximum 12).
Players are allowed to use personal/named accounts.
Before the match begins, the members playing in the match must be identified to the organizer. If a substitution occurs at half time, then the organizers need to be made aware by the team’s captain before play begins. Substitutions will not be allowed while play is ongoing.
Team names may only be linked to an outfit with the permission of that outfit’s leadership.
When the halves start, only the 6 active players per team may be online.
Teams who have their own accounts may use these instead of PSB accounts, but the outfit creation rules still apply.
Team will be expected to have set up outfits on all 3 factions, and add each account to that outfit before the beginning of matches, and provide the [TAGS] alongside faction choice. Accounts that are not in the outfit before the start of a match will not be counted in the official score.

Infantry versus Infantry kill: 2 points
Infantry versus Max kill (with any weapon): 12 points
Infantry versus infantry kills with explosives*: 0 points
Infantry versus Infantry kills with engineer turrets: 0 points
Infantry versus Infantry with ES Heavy Assault** weapons: 0 points
Infantry versus Infantry with shotguns: 0 points
Max versus Infantry kills: 0 points
Max versus max kills: 0 points
Team Kills: -3 points
Infantry Suicide: -3 points
Max Suicide: -15 points
First Base capture: 18 points
Enemy Base capture: 36 points
* C4, Placed Explosives, Rockets, Grenades etc.
**Jackhammer, MCG, Lasher

No Vehicles.
Teams must use sunderers with max rank stealth module.
No spawn camping.
No-go areas are indicated in the map pool guide
No go areas mean you cannot pass the lines indicated under any circumstances, but you can shoot people from these areas or get shot at.
Shooting at people inside the stealth bubble of their sunderer is forbidden.
No destroying the enemy sunderer.
No squad beacons.
No use of instant action.
Use of any items associated with the construction system (including but not limited to orbital strikes and routers) is forbidden.
The use of a base spawns is not permitted. Teams must spawn at their one and only sunderer. The spawn and teleport rooms are out-of-bounds.
The use of motion spotters, recon darts and recon crossbow-bolts is not permitted.
Grenade bandoliers are not permitted.
Players are permitted to use implants of any tier. The following implants are banned: Catlike, Nightmare, Assassin, Covert drop, Fortify, Athlete, Critical Chain, and all exceptional (ie gold) implants. Additionally, implants that are released after January 31st 2019 are banned.
Bases will start at owned by the faction who wins the coin flip, with a neutralised point at the 50% mark. Terminals will start the match destroyed. Use of terminals is not allowed.
After the start of the match, a team may not re-enter the sunderer.
A team must remain in the hex of the base and continue to compete for the entirety of the match.
Cheating under any circumstances is not allowed. This includes using any sort of third party program to alter the game files or internet connection.
Use of the following items is banned:
Generation 1 SMGs (AF-4 Cyclone, Eridani SX5 and SMG-46 Armistice)
Generation 3 SMGs (MGR-S1 Gladius, VE-S Canis and MG-S1 Jackal)
Directive reward weapons
One-hit-kill knives (Carver, Lumine Edge and Ripper)
Underbarrel grenade, smoke, or shotguns
Only one MAX suit is permitted per team at a time.
Any team composition is allowed, so long it doesn’t break rules mentioned above.
Playing on accounts with admin or observer cam privileges is forbidden.
Use of any perks from the Advanced Specialization Program (ASP) is also forbidden.
Teams must start in their sunderer. Exiting the sunderer early will result in a warning, followed by a penalty.
Use of ambusher jump jets is banned.

A match loss will be given if:
A vehicle is pulled.
You destroy the enemy sunderer.
A -25 point penalty will be incurred if a drop-pod is sighted.
A -25 point penalty will be incurred if a Bounty is Placed and or a Player enters a Match with a Bounty on him
A -25 point penalty will be incurred if one Team refuses to actively fight (hiding, staying inside the cloak bubble of the sunderrer etc) , these will be Judged by the referees and/or Organiser.
A warning will be given in the case of spawn camping, entering the spawn/teleporter rooms, re-entering the sunderer, a beacon is placed, leaving the hex, going out of bounds, or not competing in good faith (this includes players who are especially laggy a la Ching in DurdleDome). This will be left up to the referee's judgement. In the event of a second infraction a point deduction of -25 points will occur. A third infraction will result in a match loss.
In the event of a match forfeiture, the team will be considered to have lost the match.
If a player is found to be cheating their team will forfeit any game they participated in and match loss scoring will be put into place.
If there is a PSB event in progress, interfering in any way will result in the forfeiture of any matches in PIL and will also incur the usual penalties dealt by PSB relating to such infringements (You and your outfit will likely lose access to Jaeger).

The bases being used for this event are:

Pale Canyon Chemical
Ghanan Southern Crossing
Acan South
Xenotech Labs
Peris Eastern
Chac Fusion Labs

Ruleset and format based off of previous Farmers Leagues and Thunderdome. This ruleset was unashamedly stolen from Eurodome and they stole it from Durdledome.