ALC Invitational

Apex Legends Championship Invitational

Xbox One
Por Tha Foxy Kid
Online, Worldwide
(Entry Rules)
A team must have three members including the captain, these players must all be Halo players due to the nature of the tournament.

While most captain will be contacted in advance, there may be open slots in the tournament. If you have a team and meet the conditions above then contact the tournament organiser to see if you can enter.

(Basic Rules)
Failure to listen to tournament management will have strict consequences.

(Discord Rules)
Information will be given out as the tournament date gets closer, so all captains must be in the tournament discord to ensure they can get these messages. (Players can also join to see these details.)

The tournament as already stated in the description is a double elimination bracket. This means that once a game is completed the captain of the competing squad will post their results (squad kills and ending placement) into the "game_results" channel. Failure to do so will result in the team having a score resulting in zero for that game.

(Tournament Rules)
The teams competing will given one hour to obtain as many points as possible. The teams will be told their start to start and finish by the tournament organiser or tournament moderator.

Any games that have started with in the one hour competing time will be counted. So if a game lasts over the one hour deadline the team will be allowed to finish.

The scoring is as follows:
An elimination = One point.
Placing third = Six points.
Placing second = Eight points.
Placing first = Ten points.

After every game the captain of each team must publish their squads kills and ending placement into the "game_results" channel on the ALC discord. Along with this the captain must screenshot the game results to clarify their results, with the screenshot proof the game results will not be counted.

Any cheating will be dealt with strictly.