Apex Legends Tournament

Apex Wolf Tribe Tournament

Por The Wolf Tribe
Online, The Wolf Tribe Discord
Time and Game Rules

- The 16 teams will play off in a single elimination bracket. Each round will be an hour long with 10 minutes bonus to play. There will only be a total of 3 matches that each team can play per round. 3 matches and 3 matches only.

- There is no room to restart after your team gets its first kill

- If you play a match and don't manage to get kills, that mat still counts and you will earn a total of 0 points unless you manage to win
the match. If you win a match with 0 kills then your team will earn 4 points.

- Teams are not allowed to participate in other tournaments during the duration of the tournament until you are eliminated.

- Teams must submit a time stamp from their VOD where the match was played matching the screenshot.

- Teams will have ten (10) extra minutes after the end of the tournament to submit their last game.

- All three players must be in the ending screenshot and VOD that you submit for scoring.

- Submitted matches will count towards the point total.

- Intentional suicide or leaving games is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban from future tournaments.

- All in game names must match team members names in both screenshots and in VOD.

- Tiebrakers: Least # of games played. Highest Amount of Game Wins. Highest amount of Kills per Team. Highest Total Score in a Individual Game.

Broadcasting Needs

- One player from each team MUST BE STREAMING

- Store Past Broadcasts must be enabled for the player who is streaming.
- Don't listen to music due to copurights
- Recommended stream settings: 480p 30FPS (low) --> 1080p60FPS (Max)