GameGOAT - Fortnite Qualifier 1v1 1RD - Kill Count

Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch
Por GameGOAT
This is a console only tournament - PlayStation, Xbox, Switch - NO PC
—If you join a lobby on PC you will forfeit the match and be removed from the tournament.
—If your opponent is in the lobby on PC take a screenshot of the lobby and submit it. (Do not start the match)

Register for tournament on
—Make your team name your Epic Gamertag for easier/faster match making and dispute resolution.
—(Ex. Team name: Epicgames tag 1 + Epicgames tag 2)
Check-in 1 hour before the tournament start time.
Anyone not confirmed 5 minutes prior to the tournament start time will be removed from the tournament.

The team on the top of the bracket is Host.
The Host is responsible for sending a friend request to his opponents and sending invites to join his lobby. (Though it is encouraged that both teams send invites to speed things up.)
Opponents have a 5 minute grace period from the match start time to join. After 5 minutes, contact the admin and
he will contact your opponents. If the admin determines “no show” the admin will advance you in bracket.
(Admin may ask for proof of invites sent.)

The match ends when all players have been eliminated.
The final score is counted when all players are eliminated. (Kills earned after all players are eliminated DO NOT count)
Kills earned while knocked will count as long as one player (from either team) is alive.

Report score win or lose.
When you report a score attach a screenshot of the pause screen clearly showing all players have been eliminated, showing all gamertags and showing everyone’s kills.
If you do not submit a screenshot you are at the mercy of your opponents report.
If you do not stay in the match till the end you are at the mercy of your opponents repost.
DO NOT play warmup matches. (Your opponent may use the screenshot to submit false proof)

The Player with the most kills wins.
If tied, the Player that lived the longest (had the last surviving player) wins.
If tied (at least one member of each Team is alive and the “Duo” gets a Victory Royale), the match will be replayed.

Sabotage is not allowed.
Sabotage is purposely causing health loss or building destruction to your opponents.
Sabotage includes but is not limited to:
—Breaking opponents building
—Causing opponents health loss of any kind
—Trapping/Impeding opponents movement or shots.
Video proof of sabotage is required for action to be taken.

Match restarts are allowed only under the following situations:
The wrong game mode is joined.
The wrong players are in the match.
A player did not load into the match.
Lag will not be considered a reason for a restart.
All matches are to be played on NA or EU servers.
For a restart to count you must back out of the game before the bus reaches the end of the line.
(Get video proof of you doing this for valid proof in a dispute.)
Joining the wrong game mode or the wrong server will result in a forfeit for the Host.